The Power of Sacred CeremonyGet out of your head and connected to your heart’s wisdom for greater clarity.

Soul Aligned Success

Your current energetic operating system has gotten you here.
You’ve created success for yourself, but at a cost you’re no longer willing to pay.

You don’t want to lose everything you’ve created.
But you can’t keep playing it the way that you have up until now.

* Registration is now open for Soul Aligned Success until October 1st, 2024 or until all spots are taken.

How would it feel to choose you, connect with your heart’s desire and craft the life and business you REALLY want?

Private Mentoring

Are you in a period of re-invention or up-leveling and ready to fast track your life and business?  Ready to get the individual support you need to finally see your gifts brought forth int he world in a way that feels aligned with your deepest purpose and authenticity?

Unlock Your Heart’s Desire

How would it feel to finally tap into your heart’s wisdom and get crystal clear on who you are, what you want to do, and how you want to do it so you can finally bring your spiritual gifts out into the world in a way that is boldly you?

Follow Your Dreams

Discover fun and empowering spiritual tools to listen deeply to your heart’s wisdom while knowing exactly which actions to take that are in your highest interest.  Blaze YOUR own path to a life filled with purpose and meaning.

Shamanic Clearing + Healing

Feel shaken from a sudden spiritual awakening? Notice old sabotage patterns on the cusp of a breakthrough? How would it feel to identify and easily release unconscious beliefs and patterns holding you back and recover that grounded, enthusiastic, and passionate energy you once had?  Yes, it’s possible.

Hello beautiful soul!

I’m so glad you are here. My name is Monica Kenton and I would love to be your guide on this wonderful journey of creating your reality. I work with “practical mystics” who often times live fast paced lives and are ready to embrace more of their own unique spiritual connection to bring more soul back into their life and/or business. I combine work with dreaming, numerology, shamanism, and other modalities with concrete modern day strategies to help people consciously break free of beliefs, patterns and habits and live life from their highest potential.

This site will give you tools and techniques to view your life differently, so you can access new dreams and ideas. I believe in magic and see it appear over and over with people who follow these principles and make them their own.

I love lattes, chocolate, journals, amazing spiritual conversations, and making art. I live with my husband and funny dog in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I’m so glad you are here. Stay for a while and let’s get acquainted.

Much love,

Monica Kenton Logo

I am so grateful for the work we did together! When I first reached out to you, I knew that I could trust you and that you have deep and rich skills… But I had no idea what shamanism was. Still, during our very first consultation, it was clear to me that you do something with energy that creates incredible shifts, and so I trusted my intuition and signed on with you. What a great decision that was!

Julie Fleming

Lex Innova Consulting

I recently finished Monica’s 4 month Private Mentoring program, “Revealing the Ancient Layers Within”. I can’t recommend Monica and this program highly enough. Monica guided me to make one, easy to implement, enormous change in my business that has been an absolute game changer for me, my staff and my business. 


Heidi Nicholl

Business Owner, 2020 Archery

Register Here to Master Class

Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Register Here to Master Class

Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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