Wishing you all well during these times. May your imagination and creativity soar to encompass new dreams that are on the horizon waiting for you.
April 2nd I did a 30 minute live in my private facebook group, The Dream Café: Active Dreaming for the Soulful Seeker. Feel free to join us. I’m posting a lot of other videos as well on images for healing and much more. I would love to have you join us.
It seems a little crazy at times to think about following the energy of the times when something as big as what we see comes out of seemingly nowhere. But understanding the energy of the times helps us to navigate where we are now, and where we see ourselves going.
Last month was about deep alignment, going within, seeing what is really important to us, health, and soul connection. When out of balance, it can lead to isolation, not feeling seen, and a distinct distrust of everything around us.
We are in a year of creating sustainable foundations. I mentioned in January about breaking the old ways or rules of what is a foundation for ourselves. This foundational year is unlike any we have seen in a long time.
This month of April is also that 4 energy of foundations. It has an 8 energy of power, money, taking charge, mastery, integrity, vision, deep mystical training and a divine balance between intuition and action. When out of balance it can show up as money issues, anger, resentment, frustration, control, pushing.
On the live I did yesterday, I talked about the energy of 8. When we draw the number on a piece of paper we start at the top, circle down, and then come up. So, how are you connecting with your intuition first and then taking an action? Then pausing and going into the intuition again?
Some of you felt that pushing energy of April 1st. I know I did. I felt that intense need to put a lot out there and fast. I’m good at that. Yet, I looked to that intuition first, which for me comes in dreams. I can’t get my head overly involved when the dreams are there to guide me.
I was told to take a few days off, and let things move on the side of Spirit. Then Monday I would know my next move.
Many of you are feeling that need to take a couple days to regroup. Others have had the time to do that, and are called to move.
One thing I encourage all of you is to be super conscious of how you envision your future, and live your now. Vision is an 8 energy, and when we muddy it with fear based thinking or what if’s, then we pave that path much quicker.
Yes, these are times to be quick and take action when guided, and also to do it from a conscious and aligned place.
Last month we got the opportunity to see what really is important to us. What are those things we say we want to do, and yet haven’t made the time for them. Many were asked to step up and lead.
Make sure to take this spiritual learning from March to guide you for the rest of the year. You will be amazed at where it will guide you within the next months.
Right now we have the opportunity to shrink or expand. I encourage you to expand what you think is possible, to hold the light, to feel what you need to feel, to ask for help if needed, and to rise each and every day confident that you got this.
As always, if you are in a place where you need more guidance with vision, calm, finding your purpose, getting through these times, or are a leader in your industry and need someone you can trust to have your back, I am offering one on one private calls with me. If you are interested connect with me on my website monicakenton.com to set up a time to connect.
Stay safe, healthy, and be the light in the world. Let’s all create a sustainable and beautiful life for ourselves, those we love, and the world.
Much love,