I have encountered so many people in the last couple of weeks that are looking at their life differently. Wondering what they really want from life and their business. Knowing that there is a better way to live. Many are wanting to bring their creativity to life, or play more, or have more fun.
But one thing stops them.
An intense feeling of responsibility. To someone else, to their own ideas of success, to their family, to an old way of being, and to an old paradigm.
And what happens is guilt shows up if they aren’t burning the midnight oil. They must give themselves permission in order to do something fun. When there is something exciting happening, they downplay it. Life becomes more boring and dull, and business isn’t as good either.
Everything is an energy.
When you are not showing up completely and enjoying life, you are not living the life Source wanted for you.
When that happens, your money doesn’t show up either. It’s a wake up call.
It’s time to be responsible for creating your amazing life, and then create your business around that.
You will be surprised at the results.