Many of you have heard these stats. 55% form an opinion of you based on your physical appearance. A first impression is formed within 7-17 seconds upon meeting you. The first instinct then is to say, when I look my best, people will pay attention to me. That’s the first step and something you need to bring with you every day wherever you are.
Embodying your brand goes deeper, it goes to the core of who you are. Yes, you need to be your best self with your appearance. But what goes into actually embodying what you have on the outside?
This is the key mistake most entrepreneurs make when starting their business. They work so hard at their logo and their website, and feel that is everything. The truth is that your business cards and website will be changing constantly if you are truly doing your inner work as you continue to work with clients. In the last two years alone, I have gone through 5 different business cards as I changed.
In order to get to that authentic core you, you need to let go of what no longer serves. If you have followed me for any length of time, you know that one of those great equalizers is money. If you have it, you don’t have it, you don’t like sales, you feel less true to yourself when you talk about it, all of those help you let go of the junk holding you back.
When you embody your brand, you are embodying your essence. When you authentically own who you are, then sales, networking, charging clients, speaking another message truly doesn’t bother you. The only reason these things trigger you, is that you don’t own your worth at a true and authentic level. And we all have done it! Nobody is immune to this. However, you can pass through it.
I know for a fact that I could not have had this massive breakthrough of embodying my brand this past week, if I had not gone through that often times difficult process of seeing my money story, and being clear on the message I was giving others. I also needed to be clear on why I do everything. That involved true spirituality. True spirituality (it can be God, Spirit, Universe) is having incredibly trust and the willingness to change even when you don’t know why.
How are you going to let go of what you want, and embrace what you actually need? When you do that, you will get closer to embodying your brand, and stepping fully into your purpose.