This past week so many people have been hitting the terror barrier.  That place where they stop.  Some are not conscious of it, and others are.  It shows up in different disguises.  You were not able to go to a class or an event because something suddenly came up.  Something happened in your personal life which veered you off course from your plans.  You received a big bill in the mail, so you couldn’t do the coaching you wanted to do.  And the list goes on.  You can add to it.

One thing I hear a lot when these things happen was that it was supposed to be that way, and maybe they were not meant to do it.   There are certain moments when that may be the case.  You were pursuing something that wasn’t in your best interest.  However, 90% of the time, I notice that there is a personal fear barrier that must be crossed.

What are you speaking from?  Your fear, or your destiny?

Many times we hear those tiny words about what we are being called to do.  We then get an opportunity that can help that vision come true.  Many of us will turn down that opportunity because it wasn’t what we thought it would be.  It might be too much money, take too much time, be too much work.  You get the picture.  And all of those excuses is your fear talking.

For you to step into your greatness, your brilliance, it will be uncomfortable to begin with.   You will have to break old patterns and behaviors.   You will have to let go of two major excuses that will hold you back.  Money and Time.  The only reason you aren’t doing something is because you choose not to.  Everyone is powerful beyond measure, and can create money as well as time.   In order to do that though, one has to get really clear on what is the block, and then blast through it.

When some big opportunity shows up, our reaction is to say we are scared.  That creates that in your body and your reality.  A big opportunity always signifies a chance to step into greatness, which is incredibly exciting.  The challenge is to let go of those pieces of you that want to hide.

We are getting closer to the end of 2012.  The year we have been hearing about for years.  Are you as far as you wanted to be in this massive year of change?  Are you stepping into your destiny, or letting the opportunity slide right on by.

It’s time to get excited, embrace change, and play full out.  There is no other way to live.

If you are ready for something new in your business and your life, and ready to play full out, then schedule a complimentary consultation to see what possibilities await you.  Please click here to schedule a time with Monica.

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