There is a phrase that I say often, “The destiny of your business can only go as far as the destiny of who you are.”  And I’m going to add to that today.

It’s not only who you are…’s how you live!

Most entrepreneurs out there aren’t living while growing their business.

I know.  I have done it.  At one point in my business, I was making amazing progress.  I also was on the road to burn out.  I wasn’t totally honoring my intuition and spiritual wisdom.

One day I was vacuuming the living room, and as I emptied out the canister, I saw a extremely huge wad of hair in there.  It stopped me in my tracks.  I stood there in shock just staring.  I knew my hair was falling out a bit more, and thought it was just the season.  As I sat there looking at the physical representation of my life, I knew I needed to shift things up a lot.

Get back to me.

Get back to living life instead of letting it pass me by.

I tell you all this because I have heard this story over and over  in the past months.  The stress, pushing deadlines, burning the candle at both ends, worrying about money, forgetting long held dreams, living in chaos and more.

I hear it on Radical Breakthrough calls every week.

And I know there is a better way.  Because I now am living it.  

People want to do business with people who are truly living and making a difference.

Stay tuned.  I will be bringing you the otherworldly ideas that will change how you do business… well as live your life.  You will be amazed at how simple they are.

Because after all, isn’t it time to break some rules?   And change how business is done?

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