There is a phrase that I have heard over and over lately from people who I know are incredibly talented and brilliant. That phrase is “What’s the use?” “Why will this be different?” And I know those phrases well. I used to say them a lot. And then I banished from my vocabulary because they didn’t serve the message I have to get out into the world.
And I encourage you to do the same if you find yourself doing that. Because what you are doing is sourcing from your past, at a time where things were challenging. Now, it’s time to live your present and source from your future.
You feel it, and you know people are ready for a change.
These past couple of days I was in my mastermind group of 12 women led by my coach, Suzanne Evans. As everyone presented, the same story was told over and over again from each one of us. We represented all areas of entrepreneurship: corporate, law, financing, education, health and wellness, spirituality, leadership. We have varying backgrounds, but a few things in common. We all have been on the cutting edge, and ahead of our time. We all have a message for people, and we want to make a difference and make money doing it. And we all are doing whatever it takes to do that.
What is that inner knowing within you that you want to bring out into the world?
Are you surrounding yourself with people that are also going in that direction?
Are you taking action on your visions?
Are you going the extra mile? (because there aren’t any people waiting in that extra mile).
Look at your life and your business. What needs to change in order for you to step into your greatness?
To be among the cutting edge people that are ready to change the world? Be the change you want to see in the world first, and the rest will follow.