I was reflecting this past Tuesday the 11th as I celebrated my second anniversary with my husband, Brad (AKA MagicBrad). We had a nice meal in our favorite quaint restaurant having wonderful Nepalese food. And I had time to reflect.
5 years ago, you would not have recognized me. I had a house that was super disorganized with too much stuff. I was in a 9 year relationship with someone who couldn’t quite make that commitment (nor could I), I was having major challenges with my son, I felt dead in my job, I was exhausted and sick a lot, I watched 10 people within a 15 month time frame die, I felt closed off to my heart, and the list goes on. I was still doing a lot of fun things, and didn’t know that something better was out there.
I’m not saying this to have you feel sorry for me. It was my reality, and at that moment I chose to go radical. To change every part of my life that I did not love. And I did. And some of it I went kicking and screaming. Because I didn’t know how to do it with ease and grace, and most importantly…..fun.
Now, I’m in a wonderful home, most of my old “stuff” is gone, new relationship (marriage), a lot of new friends, new furniture, new clothes, an awesome “new” relationship with my son…..
And a financially successful business that incorporates every single piece of who I am at my core.
You probably don’t have as many things to shift as I did. We teach what we are meant to learn.
I know what it takes to be radically you and I do it through your business and your life! And it is quicker and less painful than how I had to do it. And yes, it does take work, because anything worthwhile does.
And as I sat in the restaurant the other night with my husband eating wonderful food in the candlelight……I knew…….I’m LIVING my radical new life.