We are always seeking to be better people in our lives and our businesses. When we hit one level, it’s on to the next. That’s the beauty of life….to be the best we can be in the time we have.
At one point though, seeking has to be replaced with making a decision and action. Most often the action we know we are meant to take is the one that we have avoided for some time. The reasons are many. In the past you got burned out with it. You didn’t get the results you wanted. It wasn’t your time at that moment. And the list goes on.
Everything is a cycle. As Radical Change Agents, most of you have been at the beginning of the cyle and have had to push your way through so many objections, problems, and the list goes on.
Times have changed! And so have you!
What do you REALLY want to do? What do you REALLY want to say?
Whatever you have been avoiding in your business is your way to that place, and to more money, more happiness, and a massive impact on those you serve.
Are you shying away from getting on the phone and asking for the sale?
Are you getting out and speaking to groups (any size) about what you do?
Are you partnering with others to get your message out and theirs out also?
Are you sending weekly newsletters and have follow-up sequences in place?
The list goes on. Most often what you are avoiding is what you are being asked to do, and what can be one of your greatest gifts. If you let it be.
I love the quote, “That which you are seeking, is seeking you.”
Time to look in the mirror. Claim it. And take massive action.
If you want to know more about how you can authentically speak your truth, connect to your spirit, make money and have an impact, contact Monica for a 15 minute Radical Breakthrough Session to see what is possible. It might just change your business and your life. Monica@monicakenton.com