Sometimes spirituality gets a bad rap when people say that they are waiting for a sign in order to take action.  And the reason is, that most people don’t recognize the signs that are there, and keep on waiting for the exact right one to show up.  The key is to continue to take deliberate and focused action on your dream, and then when opportunities show up, be open to what they say.  And remember, most often what you “think” it should look like, is not how it actually shows up.  Spirit has a higher intention for us than what we could actually ever dream for ourselves.

Here’s one way of getting out of your way, and into the flow of what is in your best interest.

This past week, I had many things show up for me, and I was feeling a bit scattered.   When I feel chaos coming on, I know I have to shift that right away.  So, I brought it to ceremony.  It gets you out of that monkey mind, and into the God Brain.  It is going from that scarcity mindset of the limbic brain to the pre-frontal cortex.  There in that God Brain, we can’t censor, or control.   That’s the beauty of ceremony.  

Go out somewhere in nature if you can, and create your own ceremony to let go of your fears, and embrace your divinity.

Here’s a photo of mine from this week of many rose petals I had in a sacred place in my home, and some other objects. 

Monica Kenton-Rose Petals

Each day I go back to this spot and listen to the messages I’m receiving, and shift how I’m living life.  You will find that ceremony will take your business and your life further….as long as you are willing to listen to the advice and not change it to fit what you “think” should happen.  

I know you are getting the picture.  

So, this is one powerful way to engage your Spirit in your business, all while continuing to take massive action and always doing practical steps to get you to your Spirit’s calling.

Enjoy as you find the “sign” that is meant for you.

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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