Over the past few weeks, I’ve been reflecting deeply on the changes happening around us and within us. If I’m honest, I was on the brink of giving up not long ago. When so many things weren’t working, it felt like the universe was holding up a mirror, asking me to look at what I wasn’t ready to see.

And then I did what I always teach others to do: I stopped resisting. I leaned into the discomfort and let it guide me.

This isn’t the first time I’ve faced a big ask. One of the most pivotal moments in my life came 14 years ago when I felt called to leave my 20-year academic career at the University of Minnesota. It wasn’t because I didn’t love the work—I did. I was respected, fulfilled, and comfortable in my role as a Spanish instructor and supervisor.

But I could feel my soul moving ahead of me. Staying where I was—even though it felt good—no longer felt right. I wasn’t using my talents to their fullest capacity.

Walking away from that world meant stepping into something completely unknown: starting my own business, something I’d never envisioned for myself. It was terrifying and exhilarating all at once, and I initially felt great and excited for the journey ahead.

But about four months later, the reality hit me. I didn’t know who I was without that career. I had this new path in front of me, yet I felt unmoored, unsure of my identity. It was a humbling realization to have in my mid-40s—and yet, it’s something I see so often in the people I work with.

This is why I’ve built my programs and mentoring the way I have. Meaningful shifts can’t happen without truly knowing oneself at the core. And while the change I’m facing now is easier because I’ve done that deep work—and helped hundreds of others do it, too—I also know that self-discovery is a lifelong journey.

There’s always a new frontier to explore, another layer to uncover. That’s the beauty of life: we’re always growing, evolving, and learning more about who we are.

The Weight of the World

While I’ve been sitting with my own shifts, I’ve also felt the heaviness of the world. The fires in California have been unthinkable, devastating lives, homes, and entire communities. These tragedies remind us of how fragile and interconnected we are.

They also call on us to act with compassion and care—to show up however we can, even if all we have to give is our presence.

And yet, amidst these tragedies, life continues to move forward. Change doesn’t wait for the “right time.” Even as we hold space for the pain and loss in the world, we’re being asked to honor the shifts happening within us.

When Change Knocks

Last year, I faced one of the hardest years I’ve ever had in my business. Between health challenges and a growing industry filled with quick fixes and surface-level solutions, I found myself questioning everything.

But those challenges forced me to slow down, listen deeply, and reevaluate. They reminded me that the way forward is not about control—it’s about release. And the moment I let go, new opportunities began to appear—ones that required me to show up differently, to stretch beyond what I thought I could do.

This year, the energy of Rising Up is asking all of us to do the same:

🌟 What’s your bigger picture?

🌟 What are you here to do?

🌟 How are you meant to live?

These questions aren’t easy, but they are necessary. They ask us to release what no longer fits, step into alignment with what truly matters, and rise to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Time Doesn’t Wait

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that time doesn’t stop and wait for us to say yes to life. It keeps moving, whether we’re ready or not.

Right now, we’re being called to rise up. To stop resisting change. To let go of the chaos and knee-jerk reactions that pull us off course. To respond with clarity, compassion, and courage.

For me, this means continuing to help others create life-affirming change while following the paths that are calling me now. One of those paths is the revival of Your Living Treasure Map, a group program designed for those ready to navigate life with greater ease, clarity, and purpose.

I’ll be walking this journey alongside everyone who joins because, even now, I’m still navigating my own shifts. And that’s okay. Change isn’t a one-and-done event; it’s a lifelong process.

What’s Next for You?

The times are changing, and they’re asking big things of all of us. As you move through this month, I invite you to pause and reflect:

🌟 Where are you being called to rise up?

🌟 What bold moves are you ready to make?

🌟 How can you navigate this time with compassion, detachment, and strength?

I’d love to hear how this resonates with you. Feel free to leave a thoughtful comment. I read them.  🙂 
​​​​​​​What big asks have you faced recently?
How are you rising up to meet them?

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing more about Your Living Treasure Map, as well as posts and videos to help you navigate your own shifts. Even if this isn’t the right time for you to join, I encourage you to tune in. These tools are designed to support you, no matter where you are on your journey.

The program begins on February 7th, and I’ll be sharing more about it over the next two weeks. The call is now—to help you navigate these changes for yourself, not later. The time to rise up is here, and I am here to guide you through it.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. In all our strength, vulnerability, and true hearts.

Here’s to rising up together in 2025.

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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