The Moment of Truth
It's been a while since I last wrote. It is the first time in 3 1/2 years that I have not written a weekly post. I knew I needed to wait, and when I went against my inner knowing, I got sick. So, I decided to have patience and let things bubble up, and to continue...
Follow the clues…..
Follow the Clues….. We are nearing the end of 2014. It’s always an exciting time. Enjoying friends and family during the holidays. Taking that much needed time to chill out, recharge, and dream even bigger dreams for 2015. Many of you might be wondering how come...
Timing Is Everything!
Timing Is Everything! This week I gave a teleclass on the energy of 2015, and one of the ideas I spoke about was how to close out 2014 in style. This year has been amazingly insightful for everyone. Intuition is picking up. We just “know” things and wonder where...
Are You Trapped in an Old Dream?
This has been an interesting month for so many people. Your intuition is really kicking in and asking you to take bold, creative, and innovative action with how you do things in life, as well as business. And you are being asked to let go at a deeper level...
Why Is Everything Such Hard Work?
Why Is Everything Such Hard Work? You have heard it a lot lately. Business building is hard work. Life is hard. Having a great relationship is hard. It’s how we are wired. To believe that when something is hard, then it is worth it. To believe that suffering...
The Day My Therapist Fired Me….
The Day My Therapist Fired Me, and Why It Matters to You..... Back in the late 90’s, I had been seeing a therapist to help me with some issues in my life. I would understand what he said, implement changes, and still wasn’t able to feel like I was making spectacular...
They didn’t know why there was a fire…..
Oct. 7, 2014 I was reminded yet once again the power we all have to create our own reality. I trust this story will inspire you to see where you might be holding yourself back, and how to really rock it out in your business and your life. I was on my way to do my...
Making Money vs. Manifestation
This August marks the three year mark where I put in my resignation letter at the University after teaching there for 21 years. I decided to follow my passions and pursue my business full time. And I took a deep dive into money and spirituality that took me on the...
He told me I was a liar!
The other day I posted a photo on my facebook page of Machu Picchu and mistakenly put that I took it in 2000 after hiking the Inca Trail for 4 days. Someone immediately got on and told me to “stop lying”. My first reaction was anger because I assumed he was saying I...
Pain vs. Desire
I have spoken with a lot of people lately who want to make a change and are incredibly stuck, stressed, overwhelmed. They are in pain. Either physically, in relationships, financially, in business. They are in pain spiritually not knowing what they are being called...