What You Resist Persists
What you resist persists. We have heard that phrase over and over. And I know for many of you, it brings up all kinds of painful issues that you feel you need to deal with. In life, and business, we will always have issues. How we deal with them is key....
Reinvention Times
On July 1st, it would have been my Dad’s 80th birthday. He passed away 7 years ago from Emphysema. Three weeks before he passed in September, I visited him and my Mom and saw that he was making a grandfather clock. He was hooked up to a huge canister of oxygen and...
How Your Communication Can Lose the Sale
This past weekend I had many opportunities to see how people offer their services and products. Some immediately brought me in as a repeat customer, and others had me turning down a sale of something I actually was thinking of buying. Let me give you one example. I...
Are you unconsciously blocking your vision, your dream?
Times are changing. Knowing all the right marketing, sales call strategies, networking tips are key for a business, and it needs so much more. It needs you….unfiltered. It needs a strong spiritual foundation. It needs truth. And the only way to get there is complete...
Are You Being Too Responsible?
I have encountered so many people in the last couple of weeks that are looking at their life differently. Wondering what they really want from life and their business. Knowing that there is a better way to live. Many are wanting to bring their creativity to life, or...
Creating a New Foundation in Your Business
This past weekend I had my 20 year old son visiting me in Asheville for the first time since my husband and I moved here 15 months ago. I have seen him when visiting MN, but this was the first time showing him around. The lessons I learned are applicable to how you...
Are you letting your business take over your life?
There is a phrase that I say often, “The destiny of your business can only go as far as the destiny of who you are.” And I’m going to add to that today. It’s not only who you are…’s how you live! Most entrepreneurs out there aren’t living while growing their...
The Wait Is Over!
These past few months have been challenging and eye opening for so many of you. You have felt the need to clear out, let go of resistance, and be ready for something new. That time is now! We hear over and over about energy and how it works. The seasons, planets,...
Is It Urgency or Desperation?
Urgency is the feeling that you know it's time to take action, and often you don't know where it's coming from. Desperation shows up when you consciously chose not to take action on that urgency. I see this a lot. I talk with people who are feeling the urgency and...
Designing Your Life
Many people have vision boards, create intentions, have year long goals, and still are not designing their life. They are placing what they want out there in the future, and neglecting to do the actions necessary to get there. And it will eventually show up as a...