Speaking Your Spiritual Truth
“You are shamans of the north”. I heard those words June 2008 on top of the great mountain Pachatusan in Peru, from one of the Peruvian shamans. I was stunned. You see, I never sought to become a shaman, instead it found me. And it has been amazing. Ever since that...
How Are You Showing Up?
Is It Intuition or Fear?
Honing and following your intuition can be exciting. And it will push you out of your comfort zone a lot, since it is our connection with Source that is directing things at the moment. And this exciting feeling most often feels like butterflies in the stomach,...
How to create a new foundation that inspires
This month many of you are feeling that need to create new support structures, foundations, ways of living that jive with who you are and what you are here to share with the world. And you want to do it in a way that fuels you and brings you joy. This month you are...
The Honest Truth About Coaching
I have had so many people coming to me asking me to give them the “real” answer to coaching. Also, others who have a challenge seeing why I invest so heavily in coaches and support team. Here’s what I know and what I have seen. You will not get results if you are...
Are You Ready?
“Are you ready? It’s going to go fast.” I have been journaling those words over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been coaching my clients around it and getting them in action. And I’m living it. And so are you….. It’s the energy of the times we are living in. Those who...
Are You Committed to Success or Struggling?
How do you know if someone is committed to success or struggling? You see it all the time on the sales calls you do. Those people who say that they just can’t commit to their transformation, and they use the excuses of money or time. They go back in their past...
Are You Jumping Destiny Lines?
“You are jumping destiny lines”. I said that to an amazing entrepreneur the other day and she was blown away with what I was saying. It fit so well with her reality and how she is viewing the rapid changes in her business. In my shaman training, we were taught that...
Money Can’t Buy You Love
This past week I talked with a woman who made more money in one week than she did in a month. I spoke with another woman who is stepping into her true calling and accepting help to take that huge leap. I spoke with a man who had given thousands of dollars to...
The one thing that gets you more clients every time!
I get this question all the time. What can I do to get more clients? I live in a small town, I don’t know who to call, I’ve tapped all my resources. First of all, you never have tapped all your resources when you are spiritually connected. Energetically connections...