
Are you a healer?

The phrase “you are a healer” freaks many people out.  They immediately think of instantaneous healings of rare diseases, miracle cures.  And it can be.  But it is also something much deeper. We all are whole.  Many of us just have a bunch of junk around us that needs...

I surrender!

With a title such as I surrender, many people would think that it just means giving up and not doing anything. That is the furthest from the truth. There is a phrase that I use often that drives some people absolutely crazy. You will often hear me say, “It is what it...

When Chaos Strikes!

Last week there was a lot of chaos happening in people’s lives. It happens when we get involved so much in the emotions and the crazy talking that goes on in our head sometimes. I call it the monkey mind. So often, we think that we need to live in that space and just...

Is This Costing You Money?

We are living in different times and the old way of doing business isn’t working.  I have so many conversations with people every week who know they are going through a radical change, and need to incorporate more spiritual principles into their life and business....

The real reason people buy

If you have been following me on my Facebook fan page, or reading my posts lately, you are starting to see a theme. Money magnifies everything about you that no longer serves, as well as what needs to be claimed. Last month, whatever was out of balance for you was...

What are you REALLY giving away?

Many of you have heard not to give away your services for free. Makes sense. That’s not how one runs a business with imaginary money coming in.  And then you hear, that you must give away your best information and content for free. So what’s up? There is a fine...

What is at the root of your money issues?

I have heard from so many who are being very candid about their money issues. Instead of politely saying, "that’s great what you do…." I have heard what is really going on in their mind.  And that helps me to truly offer assistance at a different level. These are the...

Money, Love and Big Dreams:

In numerology, money and love are the same vibration or a 9 energy.  It is the energy of September.  I also feel it as the time of the big dreams.  The key is to not get caught in the big dreams and think it is only a fantasy that can never be attained.  You would not...

What’s your Big Dream?

Oftentimes in business building we start with a huge dream and we can get overwhelmed with it unless we take the concrete steps to make that dream a reality.   We are also told that we only have one main dream, or our big why.   I have found that isn’t the case with...

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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