Ready, Willing and Committed
Over the last week I have had this conversation with a lot of people who want to grow their business and not sure how they will be able to make it happen. Either the money is tight, they are strapped for time, and other issues come up. I ask the same three things. ...
This little word will stop you in your tracks
Over the course of this past week, I have spoken with so many people who “don’t” do certain things. Now I realize that “don’t” isn’t really a four letter word and that is my point. How are you going to get out of your box of how things are done and defined? How are...
Are You Waiting for A Sign?
Sometimes spirituality gets a bad rap when people say that they are waiting for a sign in order to take action. And the reason is, that most people don’t recognize the signs that are there, and keep on waiting for the exact right one to show up. The key is to...
You are your vision!
So often I hear people saying they want to create a huge healing center, launch an amazing product, have a thriving financial business. The visions are huge of what they see, and for good reason, it’s part of their destiny. Then there are others who just intuitively...
Ask Them What They Want, Give Them What They Need
My coach always says you offer a potential client what they want, and give them what they need. So often, in the fields we work in, we know what a client needs right away, and go into telling them all the things they need to do in their life. And at times, that...
Freedom and Your Big Why
Happy Fourth of July for those of you in the United States! And Happy Thursday to others! 🙂 Freedom and July 4th go hand in hand. It is the cornerstone of the U.S. And so many others desire freedom of different sorts. Freedom to be, to do what you want, to...
The Reluctant Shaman
Many people feel the word reluctance means not stepping up, or avoidance. It may mean those things. However, reluctance can also be making sure that one is ready for a change. And it might trigger some issues of not feeling good enough. The term reluctant shaman, for...
Are you ready for a deep dive?
When people hear the phrase "taking a deep dive," they tend to shy away from it automatically thinking it means intense challenge. The opposite is true most times. When you go deep into anything, you get to the root and shine light most often on your gifts. When...
What’s your message?
I was reminded yet again when I attended some training with my coach these past few days about the importance of messaging, and how it can really get people crazy and stuck. I continue to go to all of her events because I’m always learning more, and this is what I...
Have you been tired lately?
Many scientists have stated that we recreate a new body every 7 years. All of our cells change in this time. Wow! That’s a lot of work. The amazing thing is that as we change our beliefs and ideas, we are bringing that into our new cell structure. When you let go...