Are You Starting Over?
Do we actually start over from scratch in our business or are we given a new opportunity to step into our future self? Some consider starting over shameful in some way. It is only human to think that at times. But what does starting over really mean? The...
It’s all about you!
When I say that to clients who start with me, many have a challenge with that. They get it intellectually, but have not put it in practice. For people who are working at a spiritual as well as practical level, you have to be even more vigilant in this area, and...
I get really scared too!
There are moments in our business that we are pushed beyond our limits to grow into an even greater version of ourselves. I call this direction the North, and Believe in the Journey. It is at these moments where so many opportunities are everywhere and we don’t know...
Language of Spirit or Fear
There are moments that we know we are meant to be in the flow in our business and work. We have put in the work, both inner and outer, and it’s time to really rock it. And something seems to be in the way. I call that the voice of fear. It shows up in the words...
Are you self correcting your soul?
As I went through my last radical change of moving suddenly, I began to look at all the changes I made and saw a pattern. In order to create radical change in your business and your life, you go through a cycle. I explain it in two ways. As a spiritual wheel, as...
Do you play with time?
I remember the first time hearing this and thinking that it was a bunch of spiritual craziness. And truth be told, it is at first. We are not programmed to think that we determine so much of our life, and part of that is how we relate to time. Are you constantly...
Do you judge your money?
If you judge where your money is coming from, you may not be making all that you are capable of making. We are given boundless opportunities to receive support of all kinds, even financial. When you judge who gives it to you, why they do, if they are able to, etc. ...
You can’t do it all
You have so many deadlines. There is something you need to do, but you have to find time to really focus and concentrate. It’s something that you have dreamed of for a long time, or know is your next step in your growth as an entrepreneur. This is what happened to...
Are you Seeking Something?
We are always seeking to be better people in our lives and our businesses. When we hit one level, it’s on to the next. That’s the beauty of life….to be the best we can be in the time we have. At one point though, seeking has to be replaced with making a decision and...
What Stops You?
Many of you reading this are really radical and have done amazing things. You have pushed boundaries and came out on the other side. So, your first instinct might be that nothing stops you. If your business isn’t where you want it to be, then something IS stopping...