
You can’t do it all

You have so many deadlines.  There is something you need to do, but you have to find time to really focus and concentrate.  It’s something that you have dreamed of for a long time, or know is your next step in your growth as an entrepreneur. This is what happened to...

Are you Seeking Something?

We are always seeking to be better people in our lives and our businesses.  When we hit one level, it’s on to the next.  That’s the beauty of life….to be the best we can be in the time we have. At one point though, seeking has to be replaced with making a decision and...

What Stops You?

Many of you reading this are really radical and have done amazing things.  You have pushed boundaries and came out on the other side.  So, your first instinct might be that nothing stops you.  If your business isn’t where you want it to be, then something IS stopping...

Is your Spirit in your Business?

Spirit.  It’s that thing you can’t touch, and at the same time what fuels you every single day.   Your business is a pieces of you, and also deserves to be infused with Spirit.  The big mistake I find with so many business owners is that they are solely focused on...

What do you REALLY want to say?

In last week's mastermind, my clients were giving their presentations on what they do in their business. There were powerful moments as they all shared pieces of who they are, and how they came to their businesses. They have gone through a lot of radical changes...

Creating Radical Change With Ease and Grace

How many times have you known inside that you are needing to change, but something within you finds a reason not to?  That is what happened with both my husband and I.  We had heard the word “Asheville” close to 40 times in the last 8 months.  We figured we would...

I can’t want it more than you

I was speaking with a dear close friend who was telling me how her husband has pushed himself to help out others and burned himself out in the process.  He had a brilliant idea that could change hundreds of lives, and he pushed in every way to get it out there.  And...

Your Big Why (Part 2)

Some may feel like this might be an easier way to just trust and go with the flow.  There are challenges.  One is holding on too long to something.   At a certain point, things will accelerate for you and you will be changing super fast.  Your thoughts, your ideas,...

Your Big Why (Part 1)

There are many levels of knowing your why.  In business, you need to know this to get your message effectively.  For everyone it is different.  To inspire, to help people with their challenges with money, to claim beauty, and the list goes on.  As you delve deeper...

Are You Embodying Your Brand?

Many of you have heard these stats.  55% form an opinion of you based on your physical appearance.  A first impression is formed within 7-17 seconds upon meeting you.   The first instinct then is to say, when I look my best, people will pay attention to me.  That’s...

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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