Express Yourself as if Your Life Depended On It
Expression of our divinely inspired wisdom and gifts is one of the greatest opportunities we have in this lifetime. There can be a lot of baggage behind it, yet when we get over it, we are unstoppable. We delve into our purpose and make the impact we were born to...
The Haunted House That Awakened My Soul (Part 2)
This is a continuation from part one: At this point, some of you may be asking, why haven't I said anything to the owner? Why am I putting up with all of this? At the time, I didn't know why. It could have been...
Is This Phrase Robbing You of Deeper Clarity + Powerful Transformation?
What a wild ride this year has been! From deep truth telling moments, crazy synchronicities, new and wildly different perspectives to making space for our highest visions. As I continue to step into a vision I saw years ago of leading experiential and...
The Haunted House That Awakened My Soul (Part 1)
Continued from previous post: Where Do Lost Soul Parts Go? “Become the Person Your Vision Requires.” Monica Kenton It takes courage, patience, and action to grow a dream and answer the call of our bigger visions. Often there are twists and turns along the way, and...
Where do lost soul parts go?
Continued from previous post on When I Lost Pieces of My Soul to My Business. As we grow up, get more serious, become an adult and live life, there are pieces of us that go missing. Our magical child, the rebel, the mystic, the world changer. It happens so slowly...
When I Lost Parts of My Soul to My Business
Sometimes you need to be lost to find your way. I have heard that phrase so many times, and didn't realize what it really meant until I was on the other side. You see, I didn't realize what was lost. Only later would I realize that little pieces of my soul had left...
The Cosmic Truthteller: What Do You REALLY Want?
All this year has been about creativity, fun, celebration, creating your reality, and truth telling. To others, and most importantly, to ourselves. This month, we have a double dose since the Universal monthly energy is also the same. We all are feeling it. For the...
Vulnerability is a Superpower
There are moments when we get the opportunity to get real with ourselves. Get quiet. Connect. See what we REALLY want. Many times it is exciting and exhilarating. Then we may get in our head and it will become terrifying or we question it until we have killed the...
Change Your Life and Change Your Reality
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." - Buckminster Fuller - This quote sums up the energy of this full moon and the opportunity we have had all year of creating our...
The Box of 64 Colors: Soul Loss and Finding My Magical Child
I didn't realize she was gone... People noticed I wasn’t my same happy go lucky self. I was feeling listless, apathetic, and drained of energy. It just wasn’t me. I was at a loss for what was happening, and called a friend who is skilled in helping...