
What do you stand for? The energy of now (Nov. 9, 2016)

What Do You Stand For?  The Energy of Now (Nov. 9, 2016) Today is a huge day in my country, and it is felt around the world.  There are so many emotions flying around.  We are getting the opportunity to truly stand up for what we believe. I want to share a quote from...

When There Is No Place to Hide….It’s Time to Soar!

Hello all of you wonderful souls!  And welcome to the new people that I have met recently. So much has happened since I last wrote talking about the energy of August.  I know you all felt it.  There was a lot of energy around tapping into your true power, your...

The Unwritten Contract

The Unwritten Contract   Have you ever felt held back, incomplete, or never able to completely get over someone or something from the past, and wonder why?  It could be that you have an unwritten contract, and part of the essence of your soul has gone missing.  ...

Who Are You Becoming?

Who Are You Becoming? I was talking on the phone with someone who wanted to desperately create her new business to be happy, and was physically and energetically drained.  I told her that it is important to have a strong foundation within herself before creating a...

Revealing the Layers

Revealing The Layers I have been sensing a lot of crazy energy this past week.  Excitement, hesitation, skepticism, despair, release, going with the flow, powerful insights and downloads, deep peace and more.  There have been major breakthroughs for people surrounding...

Express Your Sacred Truth: The Energy of Now

Express Your Sacred Truth: The Energy of Now

Wishing you all a lovely Friday! There has been a lot stirring for all of us lately.  This year of "Letting Go of the Cultural Trance" can be quite illuminating for ourselves, our businesses, and our bodies.  Each month as we release what no longer fits this new...

Let Go of Grasping and Be the Seeker You Are!

Wishing you all a lovely Friday.  There is a pattern that I'm seeing all over lately.  I have seen patterns all my life.  In life, business, different groups and more.  I thought everyone did, and realized it is a gift that I have. So, here's what I have been seeing...

Innovation, Invention, and a Leap of Faith

Hello Everyone, I want to thank so many of you who took the time to send me personal emails, comments on the blog, and other places regarding my last email.  I truly appreciate all your support. It struck a chord with many of you.  There are old ways of being that are...

Why I Quit Business Coaching: Taking a Spiritual U-Turn

Happy Leap Year month everyone!  Today is a day of endings and new beginnings.  A chance to clear out clutter and chaos in your life, business, office and more.  A time to close old chapters and open new ones.  This month can be one of crazy huge leaps, or it can be...

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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