Closing Out the Year of Conscious Re-Invention of 2017
Hello Everyone, Wishing you a lovely day! Wow! What a year! I have heard many of you say this wondering when this year will be over, so you can start anew. And the truth is, we always say that near the end of a year. This is such a beautiful time because we have...
Soul Truth – Full Moon in October
Happy October and Full Moon! Over the last few months, so much has been brewing for all of us. Personally, in business, and throughout the world. There have been tremendous ups and downs, twists and turns. Which ultimately lead to more freedom and soul...
Time is an Illusion
Thoughts for "Step Into Sacred Time" Time is an illusion. We put so much into it. We don’t have enough of it, we need to manage it, and schedule it. And the truth is that we need to live it. Every single precious moment of it. We feel this calling inside to do greater...
Can You Feel the Shift? Full Moon Eclipse
Happy Full Moon wherever you are! The 10th and 11th are considered the full moon eclipse and the energy is strong. Whatever you had been hiding from yourself is no longer able to be contained. And that is a good thing! There is a wildness and a restlessness as well...
Dare to Be Different
Dare to Be Different! As we approach the new moon in Aquarius tomorrow, there is an opening to be different, take bold actions, flip things around, and release now what will hold you back from an amazing future vision. Back in 2005, I had a powerful dream.... "I...
The End of an Era….A New Dawn Beginning
Wishing you all a wonderful and joyful holiday season and Happy New Year! This year has been one of "Letting Go of the Cultural Trance". Ideas you believed, people you trusted, systems that no longer work, businesses that no longer jazz you,...
What do you stand for? The energy of now (Nov. 9, 2016)
What Do You Stand For? The Energy of Now (Nov. 9, 2016) Today is a huge day in my country, and it is felt around the world. There are so many emotions flying around. We are getting the opportunity to truly stand up for what we believe. I want to share a quote from...
When There Is No Place to Hide….It’s Time to Soar!
Hello all of you wonderful souls! And welcome to the new people that I have met recently. So much has happened since I last wrote talking about the energy of August. I know you all felt it. There was a lot of energy around tapping into your true power, your...
The Unwritten Contract
The Unwritten Contract Have you ever felt held back, incomplete, or never able to completely get over someone or something from the past, and wonder why? It could be that you have an unwritten contract, and part of the essence of your soul has gone missing. ...
Who Are You Becoming?
Who Are You Becoming? I was talking on the phone with someone who wanted to desperately create her new business to be happy, and was physically and energetically drained. I told her that it is important to have a strong foundation within herself before creating a...