
Revealing the Layers

Revealing The Layers I have been sensing a lot of crazy energy this past week.  Excitement, hesitation, skepticism, despair, release, going with the flow, powerful insights and downloads, deep peace and more.  There have been major breakthroughs for people surrounding...

Express Your Sacred Truth: The Energy of Now

Express Your Sacred Truth: The Energy of Now

Wishing you all a lovely Friday! There has been a lot stirring for all of us lately.  This year of "Letting Go of the Cultural Trance" can be quite illuminating for ourselves, our businesses, and our bodies.  Each month as we release what no longer fits this new...

Let Go of Grasping and Be the Seeker You Are!

Wishing you all a lovely Friday.  There is a pattern that I'm seeing all over lately.  I have seen patterns all my life.  In life, business, different groups and more.  I thought everyone did, and realized it is a gift that I have. So, here's what I have been seeing...

Innovation, Invention, and a Leap of Faith

Hello Everyone, I want to thank so many of you who took the time to send me personal emails, comments on the blog, and other places regarding my last email.  I truly appreciate all your support. It struck a chord with many of you.  There are old ways of being that are...

Why I Quit Business Coaching: Taking a Spiritual U-Turn

Happy Leap Year month everyone!  Today is a day of endings and new beginnings.  A chance to clear out clutter and chaos in your life, business, office and more.  A time to close old chapters and open new ones.  This month can be one of crazy huge leaps, or it can be...

Saying Thank You and Goodbye to 2015

Wishing you all an awesome last day of 2015 and a wonderful New Year! Over the last few days I have had many people ask me what I do to set my New Years Intentions.  To be honest, I haven't even begun them yet.  Yes, I have ideas, but we haven't finished with the...

Take a Walk on the Wild Creative Side for December 2015

The Energy of December is already rocking all of us!  I'm going to share with you the energy of this month and how you can use it for yourself and your business.  And then, if you want to delve in deeper, you can check out the December Soul Experience which works...

Boldly Express Yourself This December!

Today you either woke up exhausted and beat, or super optimistic.  That's part of the energy of December.  Remember what  November taught CHOOSE your reality every single day.   So....when you choose to have an attitude of optimism and gratitude each...

It’s a Portal Day Today – What Do You Choose?

It's a Portal Day Today - What Do You Choose? What an interesting month, and it has just started.  Today you will be seeing into the possibilities of 2016.  The things you can create, as well as the things you joyfully leave behind.  In life...and your business.  The...

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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