
Dreams, Illusions, and Miracles

Dreams, Illusions and Miracles: We are in the month of dreaming new dreams for ourselves, creating new goals that align more with our soul, letting go of old patterns and beliefs, and connecting in with our intuition in new and exciting ways.   As a society we have...

Today: The Energy of the Dreamwalker

The Energy of the Dreamwalker Have you ever had a dream that rocked you to your core?  Or an event in your life that you knew would change how you view everything?  It could even be a knowing inside that you just can't put your finger on. You just know in your bones...

The Hidden Secret

I'm going to be in upstate New York next week giving a workshop at Camp Good Life Project (Aug. 27-30) with Jonathan Fields and his amazing tribe.  Let me know if you are going, and let's connect.  I went last year and absolutely loved it. Want to know more about this...

It’s Time to Move!

Hello everyone! It's Time to Move!  It's the energy of these times as well as a personal reality for myself.   We are moving back to our home state of Minnesota!  (You can now visualize the Snoopy "Happy Dance" here  :))  Those of you who know me well realize that...

Shamanic activation visualization for August 2015

Last Thursday I shared with all of you a 21 day Soul Uprising Challenge: Energy of Power program that I created that starts TODAY!  (You can still register) The energy of August is one of intensity both spiritually and practically. It is a month of power.  It is a...

Energy of Power

Last week I finished off the last of my 4 city tour, "Awaken Your Spiritual Rebel".  I would love to thank Lisa Milich of Inspired Living for hosting this event in her Inspired Living Collaborative in Bristol, RI.  It was a great time with amazing people. In 13 days I...

Putting Your Soul on Hold

Putting Your Soul On Hold! This theme has been up so much lately with a lot of people.  Partly it is how people have been used to approaching spirituality.  How they have been trained to do things. At times with spiritual events, it has been considered something...

Getting Back Up, Facing Fears, and Rejuvenation

Getting Back Up, Facing Fears, and RejuvenationLast Friday I taught the workshop, "Awaken Your Spiritual Rebel" in Minnesota to a sold out room of 28 people.  It went deeper than I could have every imagined.  It was great.  Then I drove across country with my husband...

Boundaries, Settling and Changing the World

Boundaries, Settling and Changing the World [Over the last week, I have added some more events to my schedule.  Check below the article for more details on those.  Minneapolis July 10.  New Rochelle, NY July 15;   NYC (private event) July 19;   Bristol, RI July 23rd....

Where are you losing power in your business?

Where Are You Losing Power in Your Business? Have you ever noticed how the start of each new year feels slightly different than the previous one? You have new priorities, sense that things are different, and many times take new actions. This shift is energy and...

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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