Boundaries, Settling and Changing the World
[Over the last week, I have added some more events to my schedule. Check below the article for more details on those. Minneapolis July 10. New Rochelle, NY July 15; NYC (private event) July 19; Bristol, RI July 23rd.
Workshop presenter at Jonathan Fields’ Camp Good Life Project Aug. 27-30. ]
Today feels like an opening for so many of you. An opening to more joy, more family time, more business, more connection, more life. The opening happens after what no longer serves is closed.
I have heard a lot of talk about boundaries lately and not settling. So often rebels who want to change the world in some way get the boundaries a little fuzzy in their own life and don’t realize it until they are feeling drained and exhausted. I know that has happened with me quite a lot, and it’s always a new learning lesson.
Here are some ideas to consider right now:
1. Get clear on what you really want to have happen in your life and business. Sometimes starting out with what you don’t want helps clarify what you do want. And remember, that life and business go hand in hand. If you are out of alignment in your life, it will show up in your business as well.
2. Sense where you are holding on to other people’s issues and how it affects you. Since we are in a year of power and purpose, this has been up for a lot of people especially regarding finances and personal power. See where you give away your ideas and decisions to others. Be aware who owes you money or if someone wants your ideas for free. If people haven’t paid you for your services, it will weigh you down because you are still holding that space for them. Put a pay plan in place that you don’t have to monitor and that will help. This might also surface with others in your life as well.
3. Don’t settle for something simply because you don’t think you can have what you envision. That tells the Universe that you don’t believe in the abundance it has to offer. This is in finances, relationships, health and much more.
4. Don’t put up so many boundaries that you don’t accept help from others. Many of you are rebels who have done it your way and many times done it alone. Make sure to receive support graciously from others.
5. Question all your assumptions. There may be some values or ways you have lived because that has always been how you do things. It’s time to shake that up a bit. What values of yours need a little tweaking or reworking. If it no longer serves you, it’s time to shift.
6. Where have you put an upper limit (boundary) on what is possible for you? Most often this will be subconscious. The only way you know it is there is that you can’t get any further and have a little bit of a stuck feeling.
7. How have you settled and done something “just for the money”? Make sure that everything is in alignment with who you are and where you are going. Yes, some of you might have day jobs that are financing your future business goals, and that is great. Just be aware of doing something that you would not normally have done, but you think the money looks good. When money is the first thing that pops up, then most times it is out of alignment. Be fiercely committed to the work that you want to get out into the world.
8. Create healthy boundaries in all relationships and connections. Even if you see that someone isn’t living up to their true potential, you can’t push them further. It will drain you, and be unfair for them since they don’t learn the lesson themselves. You may share what you observe, but then you must move on. The world needs you and what you have to offer.
For those of you who are wanting to break through some obstacles, create a bigger vision for yourself, and step into the world in a big and bold way, check out my events coming up. Not only does it deal with you personally, but also goes deep into what is the land telling you. What connection do you have with her? Are there historical energies holding you back, or propelling you forward? Tap into all of this and more and find out what is possible for you! I’m super excited about this work. I feel it is like a massive soul retrieval for yourself and the world.
Here are the “Awaken Your Spiritual Rebel” tour stops so far (more are planned)
New York City, NY July 19 (private event)