How many times have you known inside that you are needing to change, but something within you finds a reason not to?  That is what happened with both my husband and I.  We had heard the word “Asheville” close to 40 times in the last 8 months.  We figured we would check it out when it was convenient.  Literally, everything started shifting and getting more difficult really quick.  I know the signs, so we did a sudden road trip to check it out.  Luckily we both have built our businesses that we can make these trips and still work with clients over the phone.

As soon as we got to Asheville, we noticed a difference.  The synchronicities showed up all over the place.   The trick was to trust and surrender.  We could have let our monkey minds get in the way, and mess everything up.   We chose ease and grace and stepping up our game.

Here are some tips for you to help you create more radical change with ease and grace.

  1. Get support. As I was going through all of these changes, I have been in constant connection with my coach, and some trusted colleagues. They have been able to point out the “blind spots” I have to certain areas in my business and my life, and support me in going forward. Who is supporting you? This person needs to be someone who has gone where you want to go.
  2. Honor your inner wisdom. So many times I have heard people say they have a feeling they need to make a change, but discount it. When your Spirit calls you forth, it’s time to take action and honor that inner calling within. When you don’t, things get difficult…!
  3. Take 100% responsibility for your life and your business. If something isn’t going well for you, figure out what can you change to move things forward. What habits of yours keep you stuck? What are the excuses you are using for playing small? Do you spend time complaining about others?
  4. Let go of resistance! I was told by my coach to step up my game in a different way, and didn’t know if I could do it. I resisted, and built up a story that didn’t fit me. To be honest, what she wanted me to do felt incredibly uncomfortable. That’s the sign that you are ready for a breakthrough. When you stop resisting, and embrace the discomfort, everything changes in an instant. You just need to take that leap.
  5. Take massive action. None of this would work if you didn’t take a lot of action. Get clear on what you need to do, and do those exact tasks. Stay focused on your end goal, and don’t get distracted. Play to win!

I would love to hear how you are making shifts with your business and creating radical change in your finances and your spirituality!  It’s time to be amazing!

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