If you judge where your money is coming from, you may not be making all that you are capable of making.  We are given boundless opportunities to receive support of all kinds, even financial.  When you judge who gives it to you, why they do, if they are able to, etc.  then you have told your Source that you are unwilling to accept what has come your way.  And it will stop your finances from reaching the level you desire.  It doesn’t matter what your income is now.

The trick is to being really open and trusting your inner wisdom about things.  Some money does come with some attachments that might not be wise for you.  For example, if you have to deceive someone or not let someone know a vital piece of information in order for you to have money, then that is not good.  If you place conditions on money.  I will do this, IF I get that.  Doesn’t work that way.

When I sold my house, most people didn’t think it would sell with the renters in it.  I knew it would.  I was in right relationship with it now.  I did the massive physical work on the house years earlier, and the massive inner transformation to let it go.

Did it come at a time that I could use it for a great investment for my business?  Yes.  Did I deserve it?  Yes.  Was I just lucky?  Yes, and no.   There are many great things that happen out of the blue.  But it takes work to be prepared for them.

So, it goes deeper.  I judged that money.  As I saw colleagues challenged with certain things, I felt that my way was an easy way.   I didn’t earn it getting new clients.  So, it must not be valid.  Big mistake!

Where do you judge money as not “good enough”?  When you do, you are doing the exact same thing to yourself.

  1. You make money on an investment such as property, and you discount it.
  2. Someone passes away and gives you an inheritance.  You feel guilty.
  3. Your significant other gives some money to help you along.  You feel you are bought.
  4. A friend believes in you and loans you some money.  You don’t feel deserving.
  5. Someone who you feel has less than you gifts you something.  You try and be a caretaker for that person and make decisions for him/her.

You get the picture.  Everything happens for a reason.  This house sale helps me step out into me in a different way.  It gave me space to create my new offerings and write my book.  It was a gift from Spirit.  AND, I worked hard to get it, and got to learn patience and perfect timing with the Universe.   The lessons I learned were intense, and life altering.

And yes, it is all perfect.

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