These past couple of weeks I have seen a lot of people freeze up with fear.  Not knowing what actions to take, feeling they can do things on their own and not reaching out for help, things not working out, and the list goes on.  Some people have to experience incredible challenge before they finally take that leap, simply because there is nowhere else to go.

The main theme with this fear has also been the idea of trust.  It first forms with trusting that your clients can handle what you offer.  Trusting your intuition.  Trusting your coach.  Trusting that you are being asked to see something different and more expansive.  For many, it has been about trusting new guides (both in spirit and in physical form).

Ultimately, it comes down to you.  Do you trust yourself?  Trust that things will be different?  That you no longer have to source from the old stories?  That this temporary setback might be a message to do something different?  Trust another to give you guidance?  That the path you are on is just perfect?  Trust that you can live the awesome life?  Trust that you have created your reality and might already be living the visions you had in the past?  And trusting  that it is okay to have even greater visions?

When you trust yourself, you can go further in your business.  You tap into your authentic self more.  You work better with others.  Your intuition is on.  You embrace new business ideas and strategies that might seem a bit foreign to you.  You make the sales calls because you trust that you are helping everyone you speak with (regardless of whether they say yes or not).

It’s time to drop the fear.  Step into you.  Take massive action.  “Fear paralyzes us.  Fear can’t catch movement.  So keep on moving.”   Monica Kenton

I look forward to hearing how you are switching things up in your world this week.  Trust yourself.  Take that next big step…..and then take massive action to bring it to fruition.

Have an awesome week.

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