Private one on one sessions for the eclectic bohemian soul, creative, and visionary who also strives to live life fully expressed.

July – October 2022

Activate your Duende.

You are a high achieving creative who at times can get caught in helping others and your creative projects and desires go by the wayside for another time. You have been feeling a nudge or big push even to reinvent. To put your creative pursuits at the top of your list. A passion keeps on coming up. Write a book, make more art, perform music, or create something new in your life – a relationship or more free time.

This feeling is becoming more persistent yet may still elude you.

It’s time to Activate Your Duende!

Duende is a creative pulse and flame desiring full expression.  It’s a deep longing and connection driven by the deepest desires of your heart.  Unbridled creativity. Bold confidence. Unwavering commitment. Living your life personally and professionally in luscious color with ease, grace and support.  Finding the balance between creative desire and a life well-lived.

You know when someone is living their duende.  You feel it in your bones.  Their creativity is unbridled and touches souls.  Their lives inspire others.

During your Duende Sessions you will:

  • Gain crystal clarity and traction with a personal creative intention or desire.
  • Blast through blocks and create new empowered patterns to move forward.
  • Engage with shamanic journeys, guided visualizations, or meditations to awaken your intuition.
  • Activate your duende while feeling lit up, on purpose, recharged, confident, and boldly creative. 
  • Delight in life’s pleasures while pursuing your passion. 
  • Actively work with the energy of the Universe with fun new ways to understand the signs and dreams while wide awake.
  • Receive valuable and practical feedback with new perspectives and insights into current issues you face.
  • Easily discover and heal any old stories and beliefs that kept you from fully expressing your desires both personally and professionally.
  • Re-connect with parts of self that went missing along your life journey because of too much seriousness or hard work. 
  • Unlock your next level of higher potential and creative power with grace and ease.
  • Feel lit up, energized, and surprised as new opportunities open up for you.

You are busy and juggle many things in your life professionally and personally. You love learning, transformation, and are not new to the importance of living a soul filled life. You know it’s important to refuel, recharge, and express yourself creatively to live the life you envision. You are familiar with guided visualizations, journeys and dreaming as powerful tools of transformation and want to learn more from your soul’s guidance. You are ready for a breath of fresh air and new perspectives. Bold color and vitality. It’s time to supercharge your creative desires.

Monica is a powerful coach and shaman who encourages and inspires you to become the best version of yourself possible and to know that nothing is ever impossible. I’ve worked with her 1:1 over a few sessions now and each time I am amazed at the shifts and leaps I make. She doesn’t just hold the vision for your best life – she shows you the exact path to walk to get there. I am so excited to continue my journey with her to see who I can become.

Hannah Gold
Award winning author of “The Last Bear”

What happens in the Duende Sessions?


The Duende Sessions are part magic.  Part new perspectives. Fun shamanic journeys.  Deep intuitive wisdom. Following the clues of the Universe for greater manifestation. Private support and guidance to accelerate your progress and save you months and oftentimes years of precious time.

You create a personalized intention for your creative pursuits which drives the energy of what is ready to be claimed while watching old stories leave.  You show up for calls with what has happened in your life. There is no need to prepare anything in advance. The energy moves on its own.


Levels of Creative Support

Option 1: Three Month Duende Sessions

  • 6 hours of private mentoring to be divided up over July, August, and September according to our schedules. Most choose two calls a month.
  • One hour Duende Activation call where we design your three month program.
  • Personalized recorded journey to activate your Duende and the path you choose.
  • Bi-monthly check-ins, if desired, to share dreams, ideas, and intentions. You will receive valuable feedback on how to consciously use this information for practical results.
  • Information on how to use dreams both night and day to propel and activate your creativity.
  • Numerology report to understand the energy of this year for you to work proactively with the energy.
  • Clearings, energy activations, and insights between calls. This happens naturally as the energetic space is being held for you.

Price: $2,800

Option 2: The Duende Intensive

You want to experience a profound transformation in less time, and integrate more on your own.  This intensive will activate a creative project, desire or intention and infuse you with energy to take it forward.

  • 3 hour personal intensive to get unstuck, create a course of action that works for you, and move energy.
  • One hour follow up call scheduled within the next 4 weeks
  • Personalized recorded journey to activate your Duende and the path you choose.
  • Information on how to use dreams both night and day to propel and activate your creativity.
  • Numerology report to understand the energy of this year for you to work proactively with the energy.

Price: $1,800

Please inquire for payment plan.

You will unlock three levels or portals of creativity: 

Alignment: Align to your heart’s deepest desires.  Create a spiritual routine that refreshes and revitalizes you.  Trust at deeper levels.  Invoke divine connections and guides.

Creative Power: Listen to your creative projects and interact with them in innovative and refreshing ways.  Pivot with ease and follow the path of your heart and your unique gifts.  You are energized by your creative projects.

Live your Duende:  You continue to follow your deepest heart’s passions and feel creatively alive and fulfilled – professionally and personally.  You have discovered a divine balance of life and creative pursuits.  You are prepared for the magic the rest of the year holds for you.  You feel deeply nourished, energized, and in a creative flow that is grounded and supportive. New soul affirming opportunities show up while honoring your soul’s wisdom and deepest heart’s desires.

My coaching with Monica has been truly transformational in my business and my personal life. I’ve been in some form of therapy or coaching for the better part of the last 17 years and nothing has ever given me such deep and profound change in such a short period of time as my time spent working with Monica. If you’re looking for that missing piece in your personal development, you’ll find it with Monica. I don’t even have words for what I’ve found working with her.


Duende is that deep creative passion that surges seemingly out of nowhere. It lights you up, energizes you, and fills you with desire to create. If you aren’t in alignment with this creative energy it may consume your life and burn you out with its power and demands. Great artists, actors, musicians, and re-inventors of life have felt this rise of Duende within. Some have not been able to understand its power and find themselves going down the path of burn out and challenge. They become consumed with the project and forget that living a well-balanced, joyful life is also important to sustainably bring their creations out into the world.

The Duende Sessions are specifically designed to avoid this while honoring that creative force within you.

What would it feel like to honor your deepest heart’s desires and passions while feeling supported and grounded? To be in alignment with your creative gifts and live the desires of your heart? To balance rest and action? To live fully expressed?

Join in the Duende Sessions to experience more mystique, magic, passion, fiery creativity, with a huge dose of grounded practices to bring it into form.

Still not sure if this is right for you?

Schedule a discovery session with Monica to see if it is a fit!

About Monica

Monica Kenton is a Dream Teacher, Spiritual Advisor for Life and Business, Shaman and Writer.  She teaches people how to dream bigger dreams and follow their purpose.  She helps them tap into the courage and strength within to take the path less traveled of their heart’s desire and see it easily manifest in the world. 

She works with purpose driven high achievers who often live fast paced lives and are ready to embrace more of their own unique spiritual connection to bring more soul back into their life and/or business.  As a former University instructor and supervisor of 21 years, she traveled that path herself, and teaches others how to do the same, and in less time.

She combines her unique spiritual/energetic principles from Active Dreaming, numerology, soul cycles, shamanism, and a variety of other modalities with concrete modern-day strategies to create rapid transformation. She believes in more fun, joy, ease and grace while living a spectacular life.

She is a certified Active Dreaming Teacher with internationally renowned dream shaman, Robert Moss.  Trained in shamanism with the Four Winds. She has been immersed in a wide variety of spiritual practices of transformation for the past 20 years.  She shows others how to access their own intuitive connection using their innate gifts. 

What others are saying…

My experience working with Monica was and continues to be deeply transformative. In a very short time, with her guidance, I reconnected with parts of myself I had not been in touch with for a long time. I experienced a significant shift in mindset, which allowed me to move to a more powerful place within. I learned to recognize and listen to my inner guidance in the dream state, day and night, and to apply its wisdom to help me make better choices to manifest the life I actually want. The healing journey continues, and as I keep myself accountable for my growth along the way, I cannot help but think of Monica as one of the most light-filled and yet grounded coach I’ve had the privilege to work with. She opened and held sacred space to help me wrestle with big questions and paralyzing fears. She gave priority to what I needed most in the moment, regardless of how aware I was of it. She gave of her time, skill, and care with remarkable generosity. She pointed the way to unlocking a capacity for joy, energy, optimism, and play that continues to brighten my spirit and give me the courage to move just a little bit closer to my goal every day with ease and grace, as she would say. I recommend Monica with a grateful heart to anyone who is ready to reclaim their creative power over their own lives. I guarantee that she will successfully point you in the direction of your dreams.

Sophie Michaud
ViaSophia Studios

If you have ever in one single moment of time experienced a paradigm shift that re-shaped the entire course of your life, then you know the power and capability of Monica Kenton.  She is a person who can assist you in shifting and raising your consciousness levels beyond what is currently available to you (and this is the KEY to moving forward at warp speed). If you seek incremental and massive growth, Monica weaves her ancient study of Numerology with her powerful Shamanic practice. She is capable of the seemingly impossible and will have you saying goodbye to all that was holding you back, and hello to the future you truly are meant to live.

Emily Klintworth
Astrologer, Author
Absolutely Astrology

Working with Monica helps you connect to your highest self.  I worked with Monica for several months and she helped guide me back to myself.  She opened up my soul to feeling creative and finding joy and fun in my life.  She helped me realize that play and imagination were not lost as an adult.  Most importantly – throughout this work I knew I could trust Monica.  She held a safe space for me as I was newer to this work. I highly recommend Monica as a trusted coach and teacher.  She is full of wisdom.  I’m blessed to call her a friend.

Sarah Huffman
A Good Life Group, real estate agent


Working with Monica has been a major unlock to realign my energy and build stronger boundaries both in my business and my personal life. As an ambitious overachiever, I often get caught up in old patterns and programs of not having enough time or resources. Working with Monica has allowed me to let go of these limiting beliefs, know the deep value of my work and my worth, and shift my business to attract more like minded clients and team members that respect my expertise and leadership while also sharing my values. I recommend her work to any leader that is looking for a coach that will dig into the deepest level of personal growth and allow you to harness the power of the universe and spiritual world to build a more aligned life and business.

Madeline Pratt
CEO and Owner Fearless Foundry

I am so grateful for the work we did together! When I first reached out to you, I knew that I could trust you and that you have deep and rich skills… But I had no idea what shamanism was. Still, during our very first consultation, it was clear to me that you do something with energy that creates incredible shifts, and so I trusted my intuition and signed on with you. What a great decision that was!

When I came to you, I was suffering a crisis of confidence, I was worn down by the stress of my personal life, and I felt like I’d lost the spark I need to thrive. The most evident problem was that I’d gone from being a skilled public speaker with great reviews from my audiences to feeling terrible stage fright, stumbling over my words, and not thinking or communicating clearly when I did speak. I actually stopped speaking for a time because it just seemed to get worse and worse.

Two days after our One Day Intensive together,  I gave a speech and felt strong, confident, clear, and capable, and I got rave reviews again. You’ve given me back something I love to do and a major revenue stream in my business.

Other results are that I feel calmer; I know how to relax, clear my mind, and focus; and I’m able to trust my own intuition again. My business has upleveled which means that I’m making more money while making a bigger impact.

As I tell you periodically, I still don’t understand quite what it is that you do… But I understand and love the results.

Julie Fleming
The Purple Sherpa

Copyright © 2022 Monica Kenton
Website developed by Theresa Kibler

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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