It takes on average 7 contacts before someone is interested in what we offer. And almost 30-40 times of seeing our posts, etc. to take action. That is the norm, and in order to hit that stride, you have to let go of excuses and never give up.
When you give in to excuses, you are stopping your financial flow and what is meant to happen. You are meant to connect with others and share your gifts. When you do, you connect more with your spiritual reason for being here, you hone your craft in a way that you could not imagine, and opportunities show up on a frequent basis. And yes, it takes action and work. (But you already knew I was going to say that, didn’t you?)
So, let’s get to the root of this connection piece right away. I hear a lot of excuses of why people are not out there networking, speaking and following up properly, and they are literally killing their business and ruining their life.
I’m not ready yet.
I don’t have a website
I need to revamp my website to reflect what I’m currently doing.
I don’t have enough money to do Facebook ads, etc.
Nobody answers my email requests.
I’m changing so quickly, that any connections I create right now will change right away.
I’m at a higher level than they are.
I’m at a lower level than they are.
I don’t want to bother him/her.
I’m not good enough.
I don’t have my signature talk crafted yet.
I hate sales.
I don’t want to be pushy.
I don’t have my message just quite right.
There are too many other people doing what I do at these events.
I don’t have a follow-up system in place.
I already have so many business cards and don’t know what to do with them.
I don’t have time to do this. I need clients.
What if someone thinks I’m a fraud?
I want to get paid right away for all the speaking I do.
What I do is so different, most people will not understand.
Once I understand facebook I will get more leads.
I have a bigger reach from my computer than out in public.
People don’t have the money to pay what my services are worth.
I just need a little bit more time.
People will think I’m stupid.
I know I’m meant to be on the main stage, and am better than these speaking gigs of 5-10 people.
My list isn’t any good anymore.
I’m tired.
I don’t feel creative anymore.
I don’t know where to look for networking and speaking.
I don’t want to commit to attending certain networking events regularly.
Remember that I mentioned in another post that September is a letting go month. It’s time to tell these excuses good-bye. If you are challenged on how to get around some of them and interested in finding quality help, send me an email and we can set up a strategy call to see what is right for you.