Wishing you all a lovely Friday!
There has been a lot stirring for all of us lately. This year of “Letting Go of the Cultural Trance” can be quite illuminating for ourselves, our businesses, and our bodies. Each month as we release what no longer fits this new spiritual paradigm, it is released in all other ways as well.
This last week has been all about expressing your sacred truth. You have had (and will continue to have) major insights and aha moments. People will tell you things that at first you don’t want to hear, but listen. They are the sacred messenger for you right now. Helping you to go further in your life, business and spiritual quest.
Where do you shine? What makes you feel less alive? Are you bored? Is something missing? Are you resisting advice from others? Do you feel like you are pushing instead of going with the flow? What truth is in your face right now that you can’t avoid any longer?
When you step aside, let go of ego, and look at another completely different perspective, magic will begin to happen.
It’s the energy of now. The same way of looking at things won’t work this time. Take a new path.
This work needs to happen right now as you get ready for the energy of April which is about new foundations, balance and much more (and yes, I will be talking about that soon as well :)).
Over the last week I have also experienced sacred truth telling firsthand. I have amazing friends and family who have called me out on beliefs and long held ideas that no longer serve this next phase I’m embarking on in my business and my life. Dreams, signs, and major insights have been bringing even more clarity to everything.
I was hiding a piece of who I am and what I love to do. And I wasn’t doing it intentionally. It was deep down waiting for me to do the work to discover it.
And you probably are hiding something too. What new piece of you is ready to reveal itself? That’s the energy of these next few days.
You will notice a new banner on this ezine. The Spiritual Innovation Lab and Step Into Sacred Time are two concepts I have been living and consciously integrating into both my life and business for the last 2 years (and unconsciously for more years than I can count). It’s fun, wild, powerful, and transformative. At times I thought it was too “out there” to bring it forward. That was my limited thinking. It breaks old paradigms, and shatters barriers and beliefs you held true but caused you more stress and burn-out in the end. It goes past the limiting thoughts of the brain, and goes straight to where you can make the big changes and shifts. Spirit, God, Universe.
I’ll share more on Monday.
I’ll share more on Monday.
In the meantime…..what is your Sacred Truth? How are you going to begin to take action on it?
And more importantly, how are you going to embrace it? Life is much more fun when we truly live it!