Follow the Clues…..
We are nearing the end of 2014. It’s always an exciting time. Enjoying friends and family during the holidays. Taking that much needed time to chill out, recharge, and dream even bigger dreams for 2015.
Many of you might be wondering how come the ideas are not coming as fast and furious as in years past. This year, 2014, was one of the more intense for self exploration, getting clear on what you DO want, and also super clear on what you do NOT want. It has been one of intense spiritual learning and awakening. A few weeks ago I gave an exercise to close out the year so that you honor what you has happened to you and become very aware. (If you missed that one, check it out here on the blog)
So, in these last few days, this is the message I have been getting to share with you.
Get inspired…and follow the clues!
Over this past year, new people have been put in your path. Ideas have popped up. New ways of working in your business and life are emerging. And I can almost guarantee that a lot of these things were not expected. They just showed up. And the rest of the year was for you to become the person you needed to be in order to take action on these great clues.
So….take the time today (it’s a great day for inspiration) to dig a bit deeper. From a place of inspiration.
Light a candle, grab some tea, do a short meditation….and let the thoughts pour out. The connections emerge.
Here are some questions to get you started (and then you can take it from there):
Who inspired you this year?
Who drained you?
What trainings, ideas, thoughts energize and deeply inspire you?
What new self care routine do you get to adopt?
What advice have you repeatedly heard (or said) this past year that now you get to make part of your daily life?
What makes you feel totally ALIVE?
When you connect in spiritually…..when you let the energy move you….when you honor what shows up…..everything moves at a speed that is unheard of.
That’s what 2015 is all about. Make sure you are ready.
Take the clues from this year. After all, that’s what this spiritual year of 2014 was about. TRUST. And you made it. So, get the clues and in 2015 you will know where to plug them in.
It’s getting exciting, isn’t it?
Enjoy your day, and happy new year to you all!
P.S. I love to hear your comments on the blog. Please share what comes up for you. Hugs to you all.
Thank you for this Monica- as usual it’s just what I needed and it just showed up! I have been incorporating your wisdom into my life and seeing and feeling great shifts. I’ve taken some time at the end of this year to recollect, regroup for 2015 but I feel nothing but exhaustion! How am I supposed to get so much accomplished if I’m so energetically drained? This does concern me for the new year because I want to be as fully prepared as possible for all the greatness! I want to declare to the Universe my goals etc but lately as you described in your blog, my visions are less clear as years past…. so thank you for your advice in your blog. once again it has come at the perfect time…I feel more accepting of my exhaustion and trying to get through my tasks one by one so I may gain more clarity (we are moving to a new apt- up leveling !!! in a few days and this has put a lot of pressure on me to get things done but I can feel the shifts and I’m doing my best in the moment
Thanks for the comments Jennifer. You are not alone. A lot of people right now are feeling a need to slow down at the end of this month. And it is uncomfortable for many since it isn’t their way of doing things. I get it. I’m that way also. What people are learning is that 2015 will be intense, and if we don’t have self care in place, we won’t take advantage of the amazing energy. So, listen, and get the rest you need. And, enjoy your new place! What a great way to bring in 2015.
Thank you Monica! As usual you were right on with your recommendations for me and my financial issues.
Within a week my financial blockages had shifted. Money came in from places and in ways I could have never anticipated. What a pleasant surprise! I am learning to let go of my financial fears and trust that the universe will provide. Thank you for the magic that you create and the sage advice you give as you help people realize their full potential. You are truly amazing! Keep up the great work.
Thanks for sharing that Sue! I’m so excited for you, and glad that things shifted so quickly. It’s amazing what can happen when we shift rapidly. I so love what you are doing, and look forward to hearing how things shift even more for you now in 2015. Hugs to you my dear…..