As I was sitting down to write this week’s newsletter, a strange shower sound was coming from the downstairs level of our apartment. And my husband was in the living room. All of a sudden there was water gushing from the ceilings in our bedroom, closet, and bathroom.
As I’m writing this, the whole apartment has clothes strewn all over to dry, and someone is cleaning up the huge puddles of water.
Water is the element of emotions, our shadow (both positive and challenging), fears, and our greatest gifts. It is the place of chaos and then creating order. It flows and has great power over time. It changes into so many different shapes according to the temperature. It nourishes, and destructs.
Last article I spoke about creating intentions for the new year. Getting clear on how last year went, honoring that, and moving on. And now comes the tricky question. What do you really want? Why? And what are you willing to let go of in order to create that space in your life for it?
When you are creating the joy and wonder of your intentions, you are doing that from a place of your destiny, or who you want to be a year from now. It feels so easy, great, powerful, and you get going right away.
Did you know that most people give up on their intentions around the second week of January? I found that amazing, and understandable at the same time.
In order to step into our Spirit, we get to let go of things, people, habits….and sometimes we don’t have a choice.
So, the frozen pipes are happening all around the U.S. with this cold snap. The frozen sprinkler pipes in the ceiling for me represented something that was frozen within, and needed a bit of movement. I would have preferred a different learning lesson, but there you have it. My question for you is…..
Where are things a bit stuck in your life and business?
What do you really want? As I pulled out all of my clothing to dry, I realized there were only key pieces I really was intent on recovering. (and that’s after letting go of 85% of them 9 months ago). So, get clear. What you want may not be all physical things.
The question then becomes what do you want to experience? How do you want to feel in the flow, powerful, regenerative and truly alive? What do you need to do in your business in regard to new systems, filing, new habits and mindset around sales. You get the picture. The faster we clear out those blocks, or unfreeze those pipes, the faster we create our life in a way that is sustained by our business.
Are you ready to experience life more? That’s what 2014 is about. Re-evaluating how you do things. Connecting in with your Source and intuitive guidance in a whole new way. Trusting. Letting go of the need to control “how” things will unfold. When you can keep a schedule and still allow for shifts, you will be amazed at how much more money “flows” into your life.
And first…..get clear…..
What do YOU really want? And Why?