Tomorrow is the day we have heard about for a long time, December 21, 2012.   There have been countless movies and books about it.  Either predicting the end of the world, or complete chaos.  The Maya, the Hopi, and the Inca all foresaw this time, and they talk about it as a shift in consciousness.  The end of an old era, and the beginning of a new one.   You get to decide how you want to bring it in.

To mark this shift, I am doing something radical.

On 12/21/12, I’m taking down my old site Ignite Your Brilliance, and my site ( will go dark until Feb. 18, 2013 (my 47th birthday).  That is the official launch of my new site, new business name, and official radical change.   In order to create radical change, I needed to do it in a radical way.

You have felt it these past few years.  Your old ways of doing things no longer work.  Your innovative ideas are now ready to take off.   People are looking for more meaning in their lives.  They have come to it naturally, or through challenges in their lives.

We have entered the time of radical changes.  Changes to make this world AND our world better and more fulfilling.

In the last week, the tragedy in the U.S. shook everyone to their core, and there is more awareness of that many issues cannot be ignored any longer.  Many of you reading this newsletter know there are better ways to help with mental illness, environmental challenges, ineffective schooling systems, leadership styles, homelessness, violence, illness, and the list goes on.

You are now ready to be on the forefront of a new way of being.  Your business (or business idea) is now ready to have more of an impact.

This world is ready for a radical change.  And this world NEEDS you!

And it isn’t in a few years….

The time is NOW!

Out of the darkness comes the light.  Out of the ashes rises the phoenix.

It’s your time also to rise from those ashes.  To create that new you.  To rock it out in your business.

Your time is NOW!  It’s time to live your life and get your business out there in a way that has the impact it deserves.

Today is YOUR day to be amazing!

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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