The other day I posted a photo on my facebook page of Machu Picchu and mistakenly put that I took it in 2000 after hiking the Inca Trail for 4 days. Someone immediately got on and told me to “stop lying”. My first reaction was anger because I assumed he was saying I didn’t take the photo. Then I took a breath and calmed down. The truth is….I have no clue what he was referring to.
As I looked closer, I realized it was a photo from 2008, after an amazing trip with the shamans. It was pretty much from the same place I had been back in 2000.
So the reality is I wasn’t telling the truth. I then changed it on my facebook page.
So, what does that have to do with you and your life and business?
As I got to really thinking about “lying” and what it meant for me, I began to see parts of my life and business that I have not been completely truthful with myself. Kind of evading the truth.
This year will bring up all kinds of things for everyone to be in divine alignment with their soul’s calling, their business, and their life. And many of you have been feeling it even more intensely these past few weeks. Something is off, not quite right. There are delays. And it also is a time to get clear on where have we been not being totally honest with ourselves in some way. And you know what? This also directly affects your money and how you live your life.
Here are a few “lies” that entrepreneurs tend to tell themselves at times. And I have been guilty of many of them as well.
- Not doing exercise
- Not eating well
- Not doing as many sales calls as needed
- Not listening to intuition
- Holding on to situations that no longer serve
- Not confronting issues
- Not getting clear on money
- Not tracking money
- Being okay with acting mediocre
- Playing small
- Not speaking your truth
- Not dealing with relationship issues popping up
And the list goes on.
Now…..I do believe it was harsh for the man to use the word “lying” regarding a photo of mine. However, it got my attention. And that is how this Universe works. It does whatever will get our attention.
My question for you today is where are you not divinely aligned and how are you going to change that.