It is part of universal law that when we give, we also receive. The challenge is to give freely and to understand what that means at a deep level. What do you give out freely every day? And I’m not talking about giving away your services. That is another topic that I have spoken on in the past.
What are the thoughts and actions that you take on a daily basis? Do you wake up ready to greet the dawn and excited about the opportunities that await you? Do you take full responsibility that you are the creator of your reality? Do you take actions every day that will change your life and that of your family? What you are giving out on an energetic level in your thoughts and actions is being received by many people you do not even know.
Here in the U.S., we are in election time. I’m writing this a day before the election. There will be someone who is elected president, and people will either be upset or happy at the choice. Yes, this is a powerful position and important in how things run.
My question to you is, how are YOU going to make an important change? We tend to blame the economy, the president, politics, and the list goes on for what is happening in our education system, to our environment, and with the people. And that is a victim consciousness thinking. It is thinking of the past century when we felt we could not do anything about it.
We are seeing miracles every day. We are seeing amazing things happen. This century is about cooperation. We have heard about it in ancient prophecies, science is proving it, and we are seeing it happen in the world around us. What is the common denominator?
You get the choice of how you want to partner with the Universe! What concrete actions are you going to take to make that change within yourself first, and then in the world?
Here are some ideas of giving. When you give, do it from the spirit of your heart. When you say you are giving to someone, so that you receive something, then there is a condition on it. This will show up in your life and your financial situation in challenging ways.
Be aware of who you share your big ideas with. Are they people who have accomplished those things and more, or are they people who might squash your dreams?
What training do you need to get to the next level in your business? Have you put it in your budget so that you can create that change?
How do you partner with your money? Do you keep track of it, know on a daily basis what it is, and have plans for putting some away?
Do you give yourself the attention you deserve? I find that most times service based professionals treat others better than they do themselves. We have to ultimately learn how to partner with ourselves in order to attract more greatness in our life.
Are you ready to step fully into your purpose? To step into the beauty of your life and partner with yourself and your destiny? I promise you the journey is truly amazing and life changing.
If you are ready to commit to yourself at a bigger level and grow your business and change your life, please contact me for a 20 minute complimentary consultation to see what your options are.
This truly is a powerful time to be alive.
We are the ones we have been waiting for!