I was speaking with a dear close friend who was telling me how her husband has pushed himself to help out others and burned himself out in the process. He had a brilliant idea that could change hundreds of lives, and he pushed in every way to get it out there. And one day he let go. He finally gave it up to the Universe even though it crushed him.
It opened up many wonderful doors. Others asked him to pick it up again. It was that important. He knew he couldn’t want it more than everyone else. He finally said, “I can’t do this all by myself. You have to take it and do it.” And everything changed. People showed up. Money started flowing more, and the vision got larger.
I found such wisdom in this story. At one point in time, we all find ourselves in this space, and trust is all we have to go by.
In the past year, I have pushed myself beyond ordinary limits to be the best at what I do. And I’m proud of my accomplishments. Many times, however, I have caught myself wanting the transformation for others more than they do for themselves. It’s how I’m wired. I have always rooted for the underdog. The person who didn’t think they could do it or could not see a way out.
However, there comes a time when you have to want it for you just as bad as I do. In fact, you have to want it more. You have to let go of the excuses of not enough time, money, support, timing and the list goes on. You have to trust like never before. Get uncomfortable at times. Let go of judgment. Celebrate all that you do accomplish. Take massive action. Be willing to be wrong. Be willing to claim your power. See your beauty. Be vulnerable. Get clear on your money story. Embrace your unique spirituality.
It is about getting radical, which literally means getting to the root. Are you ready to see who you are at a deep, core, cellular level? Are you ready to bring it out in your business in a way that transforms how you live and the way others do also? You will experience life in a whole different way.
It’s up to you now. I can’t want it more than you.