Urgency is the feeling that you know it’s time to take action, and often you don’t know where it’s coming from. Desperation shows up when you consciously chose not to take action on that urgency.
I see this a lot. I talk with people who are feeling the urgency and know they must take action right away, and then postpone it for some reason. Money, kids, vacation, job, not enough time. And it gets more challenging. Until it reaches the point of desperation.
Money disappears. Clients drop off. Arguments happen. Health deteriorates.
We are divinely supported when we take action. The urgency is our connection with our Spirit showing us another way of doing things. When we don’t listen it becomes difficult.
Urgency is coming from the place of service and helping others. Desperation is out of fear and personal challenge.
How do you approach your business? From the place of urgency or desperation?
Here are some challenging habits that lead quickly to desperation:
- Avoiding making sales calls and making it about you. It never is. It’s about serving and sharing your gift. Do this daily and you will see a massive difference in your energy and your bank account.
- Not keeping track of leads from networking and following up promptly. When you honor your contacts, they will honor you back when needed. Don’t wait for desperation before contacting them again.
- Putting everyone you meet on your newsletter list without permission. This spells out desperation. Only add people to your list who opted in or asked to be on it.
- Deeply discounting your services because of a financial crunch. People feel this. Get clear on what your real issue is and fix that first. Discounting for these reasons actually creates more financial challenges.
We all are sensing a deep sense of urgency. To help others. Be a part of the solution for some cause.
The key is to take massive action, and not let it turn to desperation.
Your mission is too important.
Hey Monica!
You’re on it, as always.
Especially love the part about putting people on your newsletter list without permission. That annoys the crap out of me. I have to tell my clients: “Guys, this is illegal, and MailChimp (or whatever) WILL suspend your account.”
Thanks for the comment Shannon. So true, as well as desperation, it is illegal. Glad you are letting your clients know that also. Have an amazing day.