We are living in different times and the old way of doing business isn’t working. I have so many conversations with people every week who know they are going through a radical change, and need to incorporate more spiritual principles into their life and business. They are not living fully. They are scraping by. And many are needlessly struggling in different aspects of their life and business.
Even though they know they need a different perspective, one thing stops them. Money. And it can be they are spiritual, and need to understand money better. Or they understand the importance of money, and crave more of a spiritual connection. The two go hand in hand.
So, what’s costing you money?
- Marketing without spirit. When you are not fully engaged with your spirit, you are marketing only part of a product or service. With only part, you receive only part of the money possible.
- Working alone. When you do it alone without a coach to guide you in the physical plane, you also are saying you don’t need the guidance from the spiritual one. Most often spirit has guided you to the help you need. You might not have listened, or let fear take over. Fear is disguised as lack of money or time.
- Not having support, or the right support. When you don’t hire support in your business, you can’t do what you do so well. You are doing too many things. You also are spiritually saying that you don’t need any more support from your spirit.
- Thinking that your website design just needs a new shift to get clients. You are really needing the shift and connection with what truly matters to you.
- Resisting change. When you resist the changes that every business requires, you are not open to the changes and opportunities that your spirit is presenting to you all the time. You literally cannot see them because of the intense resistance.
- Not stepping up. Every time you step up financially and as a leader in your business, you then step closer to your spirit and the message it has for you.
People say to me all the time that, “I need to focus more on the spiritual message.” I’m here to say, they know I’m connected deeply with the shamanic work and radical shifts.
I will tell you one thing. I did all of the things above, and resisted like no other. And it cost me money as well as truly living my life. My spirit would not let up.
I have been listening and taking massive action ever since with the messages I’m here to share. And it just happens to be about spirit and money.
Are you?