It’s summer 2010, and I’m sitting in the living room of one of my spiritual mentors, Wes Hamilton, and he has his usual twinkle in his eye as he asks an important question. What energizes you to keep going?
I didn’t really know. And I began talking about what I did at the University, with the shamanic work, and other things in my life. I repeated a phrase over and over and didn’t even realize it.
What was that phrase?
“It’s fun”.
I have remembered that lesson to this day and am eternally grateful for him coaxing the answer out of me. I know that when something stops being fun for me, it’s time to move on. It’s my soul’s compass showing me there is more to explore and experience.
So….what’s “fun” for you? It will be different for everyone.
For me, it’s learning new things. Some of them were foreign language, shamanism, money, speaking, business.
For some of you it might be massive creativity, pushing the edge, getting results, organization, writing, technology, spirituality, and the list goes on. It is unique to you
You might have noticed that I haven’t been posting as regular lately (or maybe you didn’t and that’s okay :). I’m stepping into that new layer of fun for me, which ultimately leads to fun for you. Being of service and having fun is where it is at. It’s almost here. I just needed to clear out some things. Let go of ideas, teachers, etc. to get to this new phase.
And this is something that many of you are feeling. How can you add more fun to your life? It’s the new paradigm shift I have been talking about. The old ways don’t work from the head.
It’s time to bring in more heart and soul….and have some fun!
How are you going to have more fun? Please share your thoughts here.