There are moments that we know we are meant to be in the flow in our business and work. We have put in the work, both inner and outer, and it’s time to really rock it. And something seems to be in the way. I call that the voice of fear. It shows up in the words of a close friend stating your deepest held fear. You will suffer if you excel, someone will die, you will lose your friends, people won’t respect you, and the list goes on.
Then you might have an opportunity show up and you don’t really see it because the language you are speaking is fear. Here are the phrases that are the most common that come from fear, which blocks you from your Spirit.
I don’t have time, I don’t have money, I’m overwhelmed, I’m confused, I need to organize, I’m not ready yet, I’m not talented enough, it’s easier for you than me, someone wronged me in the past and has affected me still. You get the picture.
When you are in alignment with your spirit, you know that you are here for a reason, that you are meant to do the most amazing things with your gifts, and share them with the world.
So, fear speaks to you on the personal realm, as well as in your business. How does it manifest? You don’t charge enough for what your services are worth. You give away your time and waste your talents. You shy away from networking and connecting with people who are waiting for your message. You don’t pick up the phone and make sales calls.
What is the bottom line? You are not earning the money you are meant to and continue to struggle.
What’s the first thing you can do? Let go of every one of the excuses I detailed above. When you say one, really look at what you are saying. What are you blocking? What are you saying no to? What are you really afraid of hearing?
Then, look at the solution. How can you create more time? You can continue to let go of distractions that no longer serve you. How can you earn more money? Ask. Ask people to work with you. Ask for help from friends and family. If you don’t ask, you will never know what opportunities are available.
It’s time to connect with your Spirit… your life and in your business. It’s time to change how business is done!
Here’s to your amazing business and life.