How often do we have a powerful message come to us, and brush it away or turn it into a mind game instead of really acknowledging it’s a gift from Spirit, God, Universe?  It happens more often than we realize at times.

It’s a month ago, March 15th, 2018 and I’m receiving a massage to release the incredible tension in my shoulders and neck.  I have been doing yoga for 2 months and I feel there is a war going on within my body.  Opening up to more flow and strength in the yoga studio, and then at home, wanting to go back to what was, even though it was limiting and uncomfortable.  That bouncing back and forth is something I have known so well in different areas of my life.  I know it’s the energy of the times now, and I choose something different.  I set my intention right there for greater vision and clarity. 

As I’m relaxing, I see a tiger show up over and over.  Sometimes it’s a vision I see, but mostly it is a feeling and a deep knowing.  Tiger is roaming throughout my body.  It feels caged, imprisoned, and wants to be free.  That tiger part within me.  After the massage I feel better and mention it to someone that the tiger wants to be released.  She comments that the softness of a kitty cat might be better for me.  I question myself.  We all do at times.  Who am to be so fierce?  But I didn’t get the full picture yet.

My mind starts playing tricks with me.  Who am I to work with that kind of power and strength?  Tiger isn’t the usual animal that comes to me, so why now?  I almost forget about it, until later that night I happen to go out on a whim.  I’m walking in the parking lot of the restaurant and see a car with a big tiger, advertising a tiger sanctuary.  What’s the possibility of seeing that in Minnesota?  However, I know we dream both day and night.  It’s the living dream map we engage with every day. 

Tiger beckons. Not the little kitty cat.  Will I listen and work with his energy?  I know it’s male energy.  I have been called too masculine and action oriented at times, so I’m triggered a bit.  Why can’t it be a feminine energy?  What will people think?  Imposing my will on this situation will dilute the power of the message coming from Spirit.

Working with the energy of a spirit animal means seeing what that means for us.  The message will be distinct for each and every one of us.  I treat it as I do with every dream message….with complete reverence.  Signs show up like crazy once I decide and commit to work with this beautiful animal energy.  A drawing I did March 2004 of tiger pops up, reminding me of grandma since I gave her a copy of that for her birthday.  Tiger continues to teach through what matters to me.  So often, many try to tell me that it is a coincidence that I happened to have drawn that 14 years ago, and now it shows up.  That’s really an insult to the immense intelligence of Source.  I know I did that back then to help my future self right now believe in the power of magic and the beauty of Spirit.  To know that everything is Divine Timing.  I know that to be true with every fiber of my being.

I journey to Tiger to ask his message and this is what he says,

“I’m unique beauty and strength.  I almost always get what I seek and need.  I don’t feel bad for how I do it, since it’s my nature.  When I’m hungry, I never think that I won’t find what I need to satisfy that hunger.  I don’t hoard or take more than I need.  I never give up.  If one thing doesn’t work, then the next one will.  I don’t apologize for who I am.  I’m loving and fierce and know when to be either one of those. I’m loyal to family.  I’m respected in the animal kingdom.  I’m cunning, smart, and won’t be distracted from what is in front of me.  I’m patient and focused.  I do what is in my nature.

It’s a month since tiger first visited and was liberated.  It usually takes me a month to integrate wisdom at one level so I can share with others.  I find that I’m about one month ahead of my time.  I’ve worked with tiger now for one month.  He has taught me a lot.  What I really want.  Stay committed and focused.  Don’t be swayed by others.  Own my unique power.  Be fierce when needed.  Patient and strategic.  Feel the sleekness and elegance.  Project respect.  Don’t second guess or opportunity leaves.  Do what is in my nature.  Be me.

Tiger is out there roaming now.  It’s patient, beautiful, sleek, and knows what it wants.  It’s asking many people now to step up and release it from its cage.  Tiger may be speaking with you.  Are you listening?

Do you know what you want?  Are you willing to focus and get it?  Can you acknowledge the fierce power as well as the soft and quiet beauty within you?  

If so….it’s time to liberate the tiger within!

P.S.  Please comment, like and share if this resonates with you.  To learn more about dreaming, shamanism, spiritual entrepreneurship, and more, visit

P.P.S.  Tiger drawing is my own.  If you share it, please share with the article.  Energy is energy.  Thanks.

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