In numerology, money and love are the same vibration or a 9 energy.  It is the energy of September.  I also feel it as the time of the big dreams.  The key is to not get caught in the big dreams and think it is only a fantasy that can never be attained.  You would not have them if the possibility of creating them were not there.    However, it takes letting go.

Here are objections I hear all the time around this.  (You can use these as personal aha’s for you, and also see how they show up with potential clients  in sales conversations).

1.    Love is the most important for me.  Money doesn’t matter to me.  Truth: I would almost guarantee that 90% of you reading this know that money doesn’t drive you.  You understand the importance, and know it will help you immensely, but you are driven by a deep dream, and the idea of having a great life as well.  Also, if you say this, you probably are not where you want to be financially.   You see…once you are clear on your money, you are clear on your relationships.

2.    I want a radical change.  I know your services are worth it, BUT I have never spent that kind of money before and cannot do it.  I trust you understand.  Truth:  When I hear this, I truly don’t understand because I know their big dream.  When you see the value in someone else’s work but can’t commit to the money, there is a personal worth issue.  And guess what?  Personal worth affects who you attract in money and in love.

3.    I want to put some things in place first before I begin.  Truth:  You are scared, and don’t believe you are ready to help others.  When you begin to take action and “commit” to yourself, amazing things happen.  “Commit” is in quotes for a reason.  When you commit to your dream, and take action, there is more of a commitment from your money and love to stick with you also.

4.    I don’t have the time.  Truth:  You are scared.  When you step into your dream other distractions disappear.  The trick is that many of you keep so busy so not as to realize how much bigger that dream is.  Many don’t want to let go of their extra responsibilities because it will give them time to see their greatness.  Time, like everything is an illusion, and you create your reality around it.  You don’t have time, you don’t have money, you don’t have the life you want.

Many of you now see some place where you can let go this month.  If you do so quickly, September will be awesome.  If you fight it, it will be painful.  Let go right away and get the help you need.  You will be amazed at the results.

You also can see these objections in potential client calls.  The key is to challenge those objections.  It is your obligation to not let go of their dream and collude in their story.   After all….with your help that’s all it will be very soon… old story.

It’s time to dream bigger AND take massive action.  Here’s to an amazing month with more money, more love, and an amazing dream coming true!

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