On July 1st, it would have been my Dad’s 80th birthday. He passed away 7 years ago from Emphysema. Three weeks before he passed in September, I visited him and my Mom and saw that he was making a grandfather clock. He was hooked up to a huge canister of oxygen and could only go as far as the cord would allow. I asked him what he was doing. “Making your clock”, he said. It had sat in a box for over 30 years since I never stained the pieces. He made all of his kids a grandfather clock once they did that one thing. For whatever reason, I never did it.
Time was running out for him.
I brought the clock home a week before he died. It was the only one he ever made with that certain moon phase on it, which is quite appropriate for who I am. He wanted to make sure it worked before he died.
My Dad did not believe in the spiritual work that I did. It just wasn’t his thing. However, after he passed, I have sensed more connections with him at odd moments.
There have been many times that strange things have happened with that clock, and each time I pay attention. The moment when I was getting ready to eat, and a client called, and I stopped everything to deal with a perceived emergency. The clock stopped all of a sudden. Then a week later, I did the same thing…..I didn’t honor my body and was working overtime. It stopped again.
It was as if the clock were telling me that time is precious, and life is meant to be lived, not sacrificed.
There are so many other stories that have happened with that clock. The key message for all of you is how do you honor your time? And where do you sacrifice yourself because of not enough time. Life is short, and it is meant to be lived.
When was the last time you said in your business that you just didn’t have time to do something you loved? Or that everything is taking up so much time?
Make sure you create a new relationship with time. Let go of the past that drags you back. Set clear goals and focus on tasks at hand. Decide ahead of time how much time you will dedicate to a project and stick to it.
And with the extra time you have created….enjoy your life.
Every time I see that clock…..I realize that time is so very dear and precious. It can go so quickly and every second counts. And in those moments, I remember that life is meant to be living, and the way I do my business can either add or detract from that.
Sometimes through death we are given the greatest gifts. For me, it wasn’t just a clock (although that was an awesome surprise). It’s also the reminder about living life in the moment, taking care of myself, and not having regrets.
How can you have more of an aligned relationship with time? Make a commitment, and you will see your business shift, and your life become more enhanced.