Happy October and Full Moon!
Over the last few months, so much has been brewing for all of us. Personally, in business, and throughout the world. There have been tremendous ups and downs, twists and turns. Which ultimately lead to more freedom and soul connection.
I love the full moon because it always illuminates so much more for each one of us. Personally and collectively. It’s what we choose to view that is key. Where do we choose to focus? On the light or the dark? The gift or the challenge? What is possible or what was?
Things are beginning to make sense right now for many of you. Those vague thoughts and feelings you have had are becoming reality. You are getting the amazing opportunity to create your reality in new and creative ways. And first, you must come face to face with your soul truth.
What’s your magic? Your secret power? Your beautiful gift? Your true desires? Your simple truth? It’s time to bring it out into the world in your unique way. Maybe it’s just for one or two people, your family, a team at work, an audience, your clients….the world.
These are super exciting times, and it is about listening deeply within. Many of you I have spoken with talk about not being able to see the full picture of your life like you had in the past. Some are seeing bigger visions. Yet others are having full blown awakenings. It’s all perfect for each one of us. We are learning to trust what we see…..or don’t see. It’s trusting the feeling and consciously choosing a reality that is awe inspiring.
So, on this full moon day, what is your soul truth? The truth you have known for yourself? The amazing version. The powerful new story. Today….breathe it in and create it. You have all the power behind you to do it. And in the process, you shift the way we have been seeing the world. Pretty cool stuff.
For those of you who have been here a long time, you will notice a new image on the banner. It’s my soul truth. And it’s been 3 years in the making. I didn’t realize that in the process of following this trail, that it would come to fruition today on the Harvest Moon. But then again, for me the harvest moon always brings amazing things.
You will notice some new offerings this month. I still will deliver the same powerful shifting and spiritual guidance, it just will be in a lighter and different form. Dreaming. Connecting in with your images, your symbols, your soul guidance.
A year ago, I was guided to finish up everything this week. All clients, programs, and offerings. And start anew. I would love to say that I have done it with complete grace, but there were moments. Slight anxiety. And then waves of peace and knowing that something is on the horizon. Now, some might think all of this a bit flaky. But it is what happens at times when we follow a deeply spiritual path. When we truly honor our soul. And it is incredibly liberating. For myself, and most importantly for all of you.
You all are people who are on the leading edge and see things differently than most people. In order to honor our soul truth and start a new chapter, or in my case, a new book, we follow guidance. Most won’t need to do what I’m doing. And some will. It’s the beauty and mystery of life.
For those of you on my list here, you are super dear and hold a special place in my heart. You also know the deep soul connection that pours forth in every broadcast, newsletter, facebook live and program. It’s very intentional on a soul level and in the highest good of everyone. To help you enjoy life more, and have the impact you are here to have. To be truly awake to your soul connection in a way you never have known before.
So right now. Today. It’s time for a new dream adventure. The most exciting time of your life of new possibilities, lightness, support, sustainability, simplicity, mystical magic, abundance, and yes…..lots of fun.
I will be sharing more soon. In the meantime, enjoy this full moon. It’s so full of wisdom. Bring it in.