It’s been a while since I last wrote.  It is the first time in 3 1/2 years that I have not written a weekly post.  I knew I needed to wait, and when I went against my inner knowing, I got sick.  So, I decided to have patience and let things bubble up, and to continue giving great service to the clients I serve.

So today many of you are feeling an intense energy.  It’s the moment of truth.  In these last years, you have gone through a lot of ideas, beliefs, challenges, wins, and much more….to get you here today.

What’s your truth?  That idea or knowing that sits in the back of your mind, and you try and silence it?  How are you being asked to step up yet again?  What part of you are you re-inventing or shifting?

And the thing is, you can’t avoid it this time.  Otherwise things won’t go as easy as possible.

The reason is simple.

We have entered a new paradigm. And it is for the rebels, the leaders, the change makers, the ones who didn’t feel like they ever belonged.  You are the ones that combine deep spiritual principles with concrete actions to get things done.

You are not alone anymore!

You are now at the front end of  this incredible opportunity.

In the last 10 years you have experienced major shifts in how you are in your life, business, relationships, health, spirituality, and more.

For those of you in your late 20’s and early 30’s, you have felt different in a way, and could never figure it out.  You just knew that you had a different way of believing.  And….you believed that you could make a difference.  Your ideas were met with challenges.  You were told your dreams were too big.  And quietly, you did what you were asked, but you never gave up.  You were both a rebel, and at the same time conformed to what you knew you needed to do.   And now you are ready to rock and roll with all that determination behind you.

Those of you in your late 30’s, 40’s and early 50’s.  You have done a lot to define yourself.  You are from a different era and were ahead of your time in so many ways.  You became programmed to go slower, to put your dreams on hold, and not make too many waves.  Or if you did make waves, you had challenges pop up.  You are wiser now, you have gained the knowledge you need.  And….you are no longer ahead of your time.  You are at the forefront of a massive awakening.  A shift in consciousness that will accelerate at great speed.  And you are being asked to step up and be the leader of what you believe in.  And you know what?  There is room for all kinds of leaders….from small groups to large.  It doesn’t matter the size.  What matters is that you step up to your calling.  Your moment of truth.

Those of you in your late 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyondYou are the wise ones.  The ones who have earned your place because of the sheer amount of wisdom you have accumulated over the years.  You were the major trend setters.  The people who bucked the system, and paved the way for people such as myself to come through.   You will know how you are being asked to serve.  For some it might be in a big business, and others it might be living your life and mentoring those that come along your path.  The key is to honor your wisdom, and take the steps you are guided to take.

Those of you in your teen years and early 20’s.   You see life so differently.  You instinctively know when something is fake or false.  You have a fire to make changes.  And at times you will be asked to be patient, and do things that might not seem like they fit with your bigger goals.  Listen deeply, and follow your intuition.  You have amazing insight to share with us on how to quickly get things done and how life is to be lived.   You have different ideas on money, business, and power.  Make sure you follow your guidance, and accumulate the knowledge to get your message in a way that is understood by those you want to serve.


We have entered the time of a Spiritual Revolution, a Soul Uprising, a major Shift in Consciousness. 

I could sugarcoat it with words that might not sound so “political” in nature.  But the truth is, this is a shake-up of the most awesome kind.  And when you combine this with what you are creating in your business….you not only change lives… change the planet. 

Today is your moment of truth.  And all it means is that you accept your vision and your destiny, and continue to take the next step to get there.   And if you need help doing that, find that support.

You have always been able to create anything that you want.  And at times it has been a blessing and a curse.

Now it’s time to create from the soul, and now nothing can stop you.

Are you ready to once again be the Rebel, the Leader and step into this new paradigm?

If so, I would love to hear your comments below!


It’s a beautiful time to be alive!!!!

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