Many people feel the word reluctance means not stepping up, or avoidance. It may mean those things. However, reluctance can also be making sure that one is ready for a change. And it might trigger some issues of not feeling good enough.
The term reluctant shaman, for me, is about making sure that I do justice to the word shaman and what it means. It is about being very clear and concise that I am able to step into that role with complete integrity and knowing. It is a lifestyle choice that is not to be taken lightly. It is going into a deep place within to get the answers.
This process is the same with any type of spirituality.
When I first started my shamanic training, the word was not known as much. I have found that it has changed over the years. Many people know what it is and are using it without properly understanding the spiritual commitment behind it. Words have power. Not everyone is meant to be a shaman. A person can benefit by the shamanic practices without becoming a shaman. One can follow his/her spiritual path and still benefit from the work. My clients are living proof of that.
For a long time I didn’t know why I had been chosen to step into this path. There are some indigenous cultures that would be upset that I’m using the word. After all, I wasn’t born practicing it. And I respect those beliefs. That is another reason I have been careful with using the word.
When I was in Peru on a spiritual mountain trip during my shaman training, we were all told on the mountain by one of the shamans that we were shamans of the north. It impacted me greatly, and I have taken those words to heart. And with that, the willingness to change in ways I would never have considered a few short years before.
Reluctance, at times, can be you wanting to be sure that you are ready for what you are stepping into. It is being crystal clear on who you are and what you want out of life.
What gift do you have? What spiritual connection are you minimizing? What task are you avoiding? It is time to see what form that reluctance has taken in your life. The times we are living in are amazing. You are getting the opportunity to see yourself in a different way, and create your business around that to have massive impact in the world.
As I write this newsletter, I no longer am the reluctant shaman. I claim it fully and know the power of the work. And I understand the life long commitment it entails.
What part of your spiritual path are you ready to acknowledge at a deeper level? It can be with God, Spirit, Universe, Nature, and the list goes on. When you do, your life will never be the same.
I can promise you that. And it is an absolutely amazing feeling!