These past few months have been challenging and eye opening for so many of you. You have felt the need to clear out, let go of resistance, and be ready for something new.
That time is now!
We hear over and over about energy and how it works. The seasons, planets, moon, months, and more. And most don’t acknowledge it, and that’s a big mistake. It makes everything much easier. It’s that inner knowing.
Here is what was happening these past few months. How did you react? This will tell you a lot about what you get to change going forward (or not).
The message: Be patient and clear out. Let go of what doesn’t have value for you. Rework systems. Let go and let God (Spirit, Universe).
You either did one or the other of these (and some of you ping ponged between the two!)
Scenario One: You went into a deep funk. Kept on referencing the past, and didn’t take much action. Money kept getting tight, and you stayed away from making calls, connecting with others, asking for support. You wondered if ever your life would change. It just seemed too much. You struggled more. And at the same time, you knew something was shifting and changing.
Scenario Two: You felt the challenge with letting go and feeling held back in a way. However, you took a lot of action. Made the calls, went networking, took care of your body, took up new practices to connect more to your inner guidance. Let go of the fighting it all, and the resistance. You let go of chaos. You actively changed or sought help to do that. Money wasn’t as tight because you honored where you are going, instead of focusing on where you were. You let go. And you are feeling a time of realigning.
I talk about these two scenarios because we all do them at different points in our lives. We are human. And creating an amazing business magnifies that even more.
Awareness is critical in everything you do. Identify which scenario you were in most of these past few months.
Decide how you want to do your life from now on. It will be reflected in your business.
The wait is over!
What is one thing that you are going to do to honor this? Please share in the blog.
This ride is going to be amazing. Stay tuned.