Timing Is Everything!

This week I gave a teleclass on the energy of 2015, and one of the ideas I spoke about was how to close out 2014 in style.   This year has been amazingly insightful for everyone.  Intuition is picking up.  We just “know” things and wonder where the insights came from.  For some, 2014 was a huge challenge, a wake-up call, or a testimony to the fact that you are doing what you need to be doing.

Wherever you are on that spectrum, it’s time to start closing out 2014 with compassion, gratitude, and most importantly awareness.   When you can see your patterns with extreme clarity, you will not repeat them (unless you consciously choose to do so).

Take some quiet time, create your own sacred space in whatever way that is.  Light a candle, burn some incense, have coffee, tea or wine…..and of course, chocolate does wonders.  🙂

Go over every single month this year.  Write down what were the wins, the challenges, your energy level.  How was that month for your life, and your business? (Yes, it is important to look at both because they work together)   Did one overshadow the other?  Now, take all those insights and uncover the true learning lesson for you.  How are you a stronger person?  What habits, behaviors did you leave behind?  When you took time off, did you notice your business pick up?  No matter what was going on, there is always a learning lesson.  Let it go with compassion and gratitude.  And for some of you, you might want to take the new habits into the new year with more awareness.

This article is entitled, “Timing Is Everything”.  And is about being in rhythm with your unique way of being, and seeing how that weaves together in the marketplace, and your personal life.

After I do this year long review with my life and business, I track when I have the most energy, when things flow easier for me.  That’s how I plan my business launches, as well as the time that I know I need to take for myself.  I find that when I don’t honor this process, things get challenging for me in so many areas of my life.

This year has been a soul searching year for so many.  And this month in particular is still letting go of what no longer serves the life you want to live, as well as the business you want to continue to grow.  For many, even though you feel a rush to accomplish great things, and make a lot of money, or whatever is your goal….you might hear a voice telling you to slow down.  Listen.  Reflect.  What has heart?  What does your heart want?  And then you can take aligned action.

Have any questions or comments?  Post them below!   I love interacting with all of you!  It’s more fun that way!

Much love,


 P.S.  When you really take the time to do this exercise, you will have cleared out a lot.  Many of you will notice more ideas pop up for your life and business that you couldn’t access before.  Letting go can be beautiful.  As long as you do it with grace, ease, compassion, and awareness.

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