You have been through it so many times! Each new year rolls around and you create new intentions and are super excited about the possibilities, and then life takes over, and many things fall by the wayside.
There is a different way. A way that honors your spiritual side and also practical side of accomplishing certain goals.
Here are some tips to get you started:
- Spend some reflective time going over last years goals, what was accomplished and what wasn’t. Get really clear on whether some of those goals were really in alignment with who you are. This will help you create clearer goals that are aligned with your soul as well as your practical side.
- In this reflective space, go over each month, and list the triumphs as well as the challenges. When you do this, you are honoring everything that happened in your year. Honoring the journey is something that many people do not do. Whatever the journey held for you, it was a gift from God, Spirit, Universe, and deserves the attention of quiet reflection.
- Once you do this over a period of years, you begin to see patterns of your energy, and what are better times for you to be reflective, take vacations, or launch that big program. Honoring your own personal process is huge in the success of what you do in your business. And so many people forget that.
- Decide on a specific theme for the upcoming year for you. For some it may be focus, clarity, fun, structure, freedom, etc. This will begin to help you formulate your goals in a way that helps you achieve them.
- Write down what you are wanting to accomplish as well as how you want to feel. Feelings actually propel us forward and knowing that is key to having intentions that stick.
- Make this an active process throughout the year.
I will be sharing more of that in next weeks newsletter. For now, take the time and honor what you experienced, and get ready to breathe new life into your dreams. When you do these easy steps, you will be amazed at the intentions for this new year actually stick much better than they ever did before.
You create your reality in both your life and business! Make it the most amazing one you can imagine.
Next week I will talk about the energy of this year and what you can do to make it even more amazing!