Many of you have heard not to give away your services for free. Makes sense. That’s not how one runs a business with imaginary money coming in. 

And then you hear, that you must give away your best information and content for free.

So what’s up? There is a fine distinction that will relate both to your money and your spirituality.

When you give away your services and tons of time and don’t ask people to work with you, then you are most often doing it from a need to be liked or loved. It saps the energy out of you, as well as your money.  

There is a different way of giving. Give away your best information or content in a free report, on a teleclass, radio interview. You get the picture.  Many of you are afraid to do this for fear of someone “stealing” your idea.  Or for fear that you won’t have anything to teach if you give up all your “secrets”.  

The truth is that you are an infinite being with infinite potential.  Remember when you were 10? You thought you knew it all, right? You had your BEST information. And now you are older. And guess what? When you share your best information, your spirit then provides you with even more. As you let go, more enters. It’s the cycle of everything.  

So, give away some of your best information. People will see it and want even more of what you have to offer. Because really….what you have shared is just the tip of the iceberg of what is possible when someone works with you.

When you do this, you will actually be giving away your fear of lack, and actually enter into the higher dimension of pure potential.

This Saturday, Sept 28th, 2013, I will be giving away some of my best content as well as doing shamanic work in a no cost teleclass. Why?  Because I know you need it. I know more will come as I let go. And it is one of the ways you get to experience what I do.

Are you ready to blast through your money story? If so, get on the call.  Limited replays will be available. Register here.

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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Tuesday Nov. 21, 2017 3:00 - 4:15

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