Having your own business is an art. You have to have all the practical business concepts and strategies as well as honor that place deep within, your intuition.

This past month I have seen it happen a lot in my business. I have made decisions that have felt uncomfortable at the moment, and then seen why sometimes hours or days later. When you tap into your Spirit in a soulful way, you will do things that may appear crazy at first, and then they will be confirmed later on.

You just need to pay attention to the signs!

As I was doing my encore for my new teleclass, “Shapeshift Your Reality: Make More Money While Honoring the Sacred Within”, something amazing happened. An eagle and a hawk landed in the tree behind my mom’s suburban home in MN. As with everything, animals have energy. As a shaman I see so many signs in the natural world.

So, what does this sign have to do with you and your business?


Eagle and hawk are birds of vision. They see the bigger picture from way up high, and also know how to focus on what they want, and spot something down low. It’s how the spiritual world works.

Many of you are being asked in 2014 to have a bigger vision of your business and your life. And at the same time, you need the practical pieces so that you can focus your energy on those key pieces that can make your dream a reality.

On the call, I was talking a lot about how to honor the sacred within….YOUR Spirit. When you neglect this in your marketing, branding, social media, etc. then something is missing and it affects your money big time.

Here are some questions for you:

Have you been honoring the signs coming to you or discounting them? What animals have you seen? What people have been saying unexpected things to you about your genius? Who has offered you help of some sort that you have turned away? Where have you firmly held on to control to the detriment of opening up to opportunity? Where have you stopped living your life in pursuit of your business? When has someone offered you great advice that you didn’t take because you knew a better way?

And lastly, where have you not listened to a piece of your spirit calling to you?

The signs are everywhere. Like I talked about on my teleclass, 2014 is going to rock your world. It’s about stepping into your vision, trusting, surrendering, and stepping into your spirit in a big way.

If you want to know more, sign up for the LAST encore of my teleclass, Shapeshift Your Reality: Make More Money While Honoring the Sacred Within. www.ShapeshiftYourReality.com

Because you know what? It’s time to listen to the signs and soar in your business!

Let me show you the way.

Here’s to an amazing new vision for 2014! Let your message be heard!

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